My plants are too bushy for my grow room. Some good advice is needed.


Well-Known Member
I've finally got around to making this thread. I guess I held out some hope the the problem would just go away. Too much marijuana can't be a bad thing right?

My grow room specs: 1x 600 watt HPS and 1 600 watt MH(in cool tube hood)

My plants: I have 4 ICE, 1 Burmese Kush, 1 Kushage and 1 White Rhino. All female and all have been vegging for just over 2 months.I switched to 12/12 3 days ago They are in 2 or 3 gallon pots...not sure of the exact size, with the exception of Burmese Kush with is in a 1 1/2 ish gallon pot(I think).

Anyways! As you can see from the pics there is 0% free space in my grow room. The two pictures with just 1 plant in them are my biggest plants and I've tried to give them a little extra room in my grow room, with not much success. The are the two that are side by side under the MH.

As far as a nice canopy goes, I've got one, but alot of the sides of my plants are not getting the light they need and im' fairly certain that they will suffer when budding starts.I feel like I should take 2 or 3 out. Should I??? OR should I just leave em all in there, trim off some of the branches that won't get light??



Active Member
looks fine to me man, i wish my room filled up like that.. trim some leaves but i would just leave it, look around the site people have plants growing super close too


i would trim all the bottoms and make an even canopy so you have good air flow over the canopy and under.... you want them to look like this with an even canopy... get some huge colas!



Active Member
I run a closet grow with a 600W hps. Your girls look like mine when they have finished their flowering stretch. Depends on the plant but under 12/12 those girls are going to at least double in size. How much headroom do you have?

I'm curious, why did you veg them to this size? Typically people go 2 weeks to a month and then 12/12 for closet grows.

Mine were vegged for about 3 weeks and are in 3gal pots. IMO your girls will need larger posts to finish.

Were it me, I'd go with your idea of taking some out and then expect to do some serious canopy management. Either that or some aggressive pruning and back to 24/0 to recover.

The good news is that they look great! :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks for advice fellas. I did trim some more from the bottoms of the plants. And I did end up taking out 2 plants. The unhealthiest and the 2nd biggest. I've made a psudo tent with sheets hung by tacks on the ceiling. and have one 90 watt Tri band led on them. I'll be able to add a 125 watt cfl to them soon. Hopfully it'll be enough to keep em vegging until my grow room gets some extra space, in another 8 or 9 weeks. I've never kept a plant vegging for that long so we'll see.


Well-Known Member
1- How much headroom do you have?

2--I'm curious, why did you veg them to this size?

3--The good news is that they look great! :)

1---7 foot ceiling. Although at the moment my hps is as high as it can go. It's hung from a lower spot than the MH. I fully expect to have to re-hang the light.

2---I've always done things to excess. This is actually what I wanted although now that I have it I realize they are too much. I'm trying to maximize my yeild out of that closet. So I thought it'd be ok.

3 -- :-) thanks. The only wrong is that when I transplanted I had to use MG soil. "feeds for 9 months". I got it for money reasons.although now I wish I 'd got some plain Jane potting soil Besides this time I've always used ffof. Which is what all of these plants started in. Even so, all but one of the plants shows signs of light nute burn. I've since ceased giving nutes until they start flowering in hopes of it not burning em again when I feed. Feed with fox farm nutes.


Active Member
they look great bro but ur def gonna have to transplant again...Or they r gonna get root bound...i dont think mg soil is gonna feed for 9mths that sounds like an awfully long time..GL


Well-Known Member
they look great bro but ur def gonna have to transplant again...Or they r gonna get root bound...i dont think mg soil is gonna feed for 9mths that sounds like an awfully long time..GL
It's 6 not 9. I just checked.

I really hope I can avoid transplanting. That wasn't part of the plan... Money wise that is.


Active Member
I can relate to that! :) If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing!
I read somewhere that MG was designed for roses which need intermittent heavy doses of N while mj plants need a steady supply at a lower concentration. Could be that's what burning your plants?

A transplant might help with this problem.


Well-Known Member
I read somewhere that MG was designed for roses which need intermittent heavy doses of N while mj plants need a steady supply at a lower concentration. Could be that's what burning your plants?

A transplant might help with this problem.

Some of them have both yellowing leaves and signs of nute burn. So im not sure. Honestly I'm not very good with diagnosing plant deficiencies. Over the last few years I've noticed that things tended to work themselves out so I haven't spent alot of time tryig to learn on that aspect of growing. Although I will.