My plants at 30 days


Active Member
Here are my plants at 30 days of growing, a mixture between 24 hours of light a day and 20 hours of light a day. I looked at pics of a lot of other plants that are much younger than mine and they seem a lot bushier than my plants.

I don't think the weed I got the seeds from was anything special, but the seeds were huge and germinated within two days and have been growing like weeds ever since!

I just started giving them nutes and changed to two fluorescent lights one soft white and one with a slight blue hue, along with a grow light higher up for extra light, and I just put some lime on the topsoil and started fertilizing at the same time, hopefully this will help them grow bushier.

Any tips? Opinions?



Well-Known Member
i think your lights are kind of far away. they look kind of stretched, but they look healthy. maybe lower the lights a little?


Well-Known Member
You need more lights, and put them a lot closer, mine are 2 inches away. Try to get regular lighting going with a few hours of darknes.


New Member
ouch... yeah. More light/lower the light and get yourself a fan. Aim it at the stems to make them nice and strong. Also get another fan blowing between the bottom of the lights and the tops of the plants.


New Member
Make sure you buy oscillating fans as cannabis doesn't like the wind on it all the time, plus it helps to circulate the air better in your grow area.


Active Member
Thanks a lot for the advice, I'll go out and get a couple more fluorescent lights for side lighting today. I just topped my plants so that should help them work on the bushyness.