My plants at 6 weeks any advice?


Active Member
my plants are the same size and stretching and skinny like urs and are 6 weeks old too.......mine is in clay soil tho casue im retarded and didnt plan(just threw some seeds)....if mine look like his can i top or should i waight a little?


Active Member
ok cool cool.....ona my plants grew all retarded and somehow naturally toped itself and its smaller then the one posted in this thread.....i hope it grows all crazy and retarded and yeilds like 2 pounds but i doubt it since its in a clayish soil and i can tell the growth is slower then it could be....someone said hydrogen peroxide helps with clay soil and getting oxygen to roots...anythoughts?


Active Member
yeah six weeks man idk what the problem has been probably the cool temp but its getting higher now and ive seen 3 new nodes grow in the past 2 weeks i fimmed it tonight and i hope to check on it tomorrow night and see some growth progress

Well-Known Member
have you put soil underneath that top soil? because of what i see that looks like a mud/clay soil to me pal. but they are looking healthy, abit sretched like someone has already said but it looks kool. what strain is it?
yeah..looks like he stuck it in some hevy clay dirt. it'll grow; but not nearly as fast or healthy as having better soil.

Well-Known Member
ok cool cool.....ona my plants grew all retarded and somehow naturally toped itself and its smaller then the one posted in this thread.....i hope it grows all crazy and retarded and yeilds like 2 pounds but i doubt it since its in a clayish soil and i can tell the growth is slower then it could be....someone said hydrogen peroxide helps with clay soil and getting oxygen to roots...anythoughts?
lincloln once said "give me 6hrs. to chop down a tree, and I'll spend 4 sharpening the axe!" study soil, and growing...for now though: I would dig outside the root system(usually mirrors canopy), and work in some organic nutes and some of that fox farms bagged compost. too late to make your own compost for that plant...but you should get to work on next years soil now.


Active Member
wate.....i can dig areound the roots and fill in better soil?...i was thinking of doing this after sexing tho because they are close together(2 inches away) and i think to close to add compost to.....if my plants were going to die from the acidity of the soil or over watering would they have done it by now?....some leafs are yellow but the tops keep stretching towards the sun and getting bigger every day...(they are 6 weeks btw)


Well-Known Member
yellow leavesis usually an indication that a nitrogen boost is needed.

again, go out and buy some nutes, whether they be organic, or just some shultz 10-15-10 from home depot for less than 5 bucks. whatever you get, your plants could use the help.

i don't think it's your soil problem, as much as your lack of nutes, i'm just saying :blsmoke:
