my plants died overnight

This is my first time growing anything other than common household. I have a blueberry and a fat bastard clone growing excellent for about 4 weeks. I used the prone ph/fertilizer tester and it kept saying ph from 6.0 to 6.4 various spots but my fertility kept saying too low so i added a 12-6-6 recommended by the tomato store guy. But after looking beautiful for about 3 days, now overnight they are droopy, necksbroken but still green. They look dead and my soil smells like strong pee. Can anyone help me? Can I bring them back some way? Did I just totally screw my babies?



Well-Known Member
stop wth neuts for about 2 weeks.....and if ur watering it more then once every 2-3 days then its probably over watering and if ur not then its under watered and stop watering it......and flush them.....bring that ph to 6.7 if there in soil as well
z4qqqbs, thanx. I did that. I was watering them everyday and with neuts. someone just told me that miracle grow isnt a good soil. Is it possible to switch soils or is that even a good idea? From the look of them, do you think I can bring these back or should I go back to the drawing board?


Well-Known Member
There's your problem. The Miracle Grow already has time-release ferts in it and every time you water, more nutes are released, plus you're adding more nutes with the water.


Active Member
Def a nute burn. Flush them out for the next 2 weeks for sure, and get that pH back up to around 6.7 Your soil is too acidic if it has a "pee" smell.

PS Flushing them means no nutes in your water!

Ole Budheavy

Well-Known Member
z4qqqbs, thanx. I did that. I was watering them everyday and with neuts. someone just told me that miracle grow isnt a good soil. Is it possible to switch soils or is that even a good idea? From the look of them, do you think I can bring these back or should I go back to the drawing board?
When it comes to watering any plant, doesn't matter if its cannabis or your grass lawn, water deeply and infrequently. Most plant need their roots to dry out enough to where the plant is not wilting, yet the soil is dry.

Nutrient burn is very easy to accomplish when using them in a soil grow with every watering. Dilution is very important for most fertilizers.


Active Member
alright dude what is ur light set up and how did u get your lights...u want some foxfarm or anything in the genre.flush ur plants wit 3 gallons of water per 1 gallon of soil...water only when soil is dry 2/3 inchs deep.
big ups for the advice ole budheavy. I didnt know that because I had heard that i cant give them too much water but I see that I was misinformed. Now i gotta see if I'm gonna be able to transfer out of this miracle grow and still let them live.


Active Member
dude go buy some foxfarm or any soil in that genre.they will sell it where u bought ur lights from,,flush ur plant wit 3 gal per 1 gal soil...and only water when 2/3 inchs deep in the soil is dry...good luck man.i feel those babbes pain


Active Member
oo n grab ur base of the stems n hold upside down n gently loosen the dirt till around the roots i meann like ur fuckin a girl wit glass as bones gently...n once u get most the dit loosend pull the pot off n remove anymore dirt around the roots dont expose roots to sun to long...
i got them about 2 and a half feet under a 1000 watt metal halide with a smaller cheap home depot flourescent grow light about 6 inches from them. I got a 10" oscillating fan blowing on them but i didnt build a grow room . I kinda just got it set up in the basement which gets dark as pitch black at 12 noon once i cover the only 2 small windows i have. but i only have the 2 clones anyways because I'm new and want to see if I can learn from the pros and become productive. So I'll ask till I get good and I got big respect to you guys for your input.


Well-Known Member
MG is ok to use im on my frist grow & i never grown anything in my life. I use MG potting soil with fox farm nutes and my plants r doing fine. MG doesnt have maganese,boron,etc in its ingerdients.ive added these ingredients by useing Fox farm nutes so far so good.

heres mine Mg frist grow ever

Pic 1: 25 days old
Pic 2: 28 days old
Pic 3: 39 days old 9 days after flowering these r my males
Pic 3: 39 days old 9 days after flowering these r females


those all look really good. now i dont feel so bad about my mg. i was feeling like i just drowned my kids in the tub then trying to revive them or something. now i only feel like i let them go out in the winter without coats and now i gotta fix the flu. time to be doc
i did the same thing wit some 34-0-0 nitrogen sh*t i just change the soil and soked the roots in room temp water......My soil smelled like my dog pissed on it......So do that.....


Well-Known Member
thank you u should get some fox farm nutes like grow big,big bloom,tiger bloom and some Super thive