My plants keep turning yellow


Active Member

I thought it was the soil, I was using ocean forest but now I'm using roots organic soil and my plants are still turning yellow right at 5 weeks.. Every time, the fan eaves start to yellow then it dominates the entire plant. I've harvested around 7-8 weeks every time and the buds aren't effects. They stay green. But by the time harvest I'm left with just nugs on branches since I remove all the yellowed leaves...makes trimming easier..

roots organic nutes, 250w hps, tent grow.


Active Member
Are you feeding then anything ? How often ? Keep those leaves green till harvest. Use some nutes with a good Amount of n. FFOF is only good for around a month. What is the NPk of the nutes your using ? A good NPk for flower is a 1-3-2 but can use something with more n if needed. Can even use dyna gro foliage pro with great results.


Active Member
Root organic nutes.

Thats what I'm using in roots organic soil..the plants are real nice and green right until 5 weeks into flower.. Then it all turns yellow.
im using smart pots inside a grow tent with a 250w hps. It does get hot but no hotter than 80. The heat causes high humidity so I only water when the soil is dry. Everything is ph'd..I have the nutes dosage / water already higher..


I here you :lol: I'm thinking yo burning it DUH! what nutes and how much how often in ppm's per gallon is my expertise with ffof but you start the seeds/clones of in something else that ffof or that other dirt you use then in flowering you don't wanna go above say 1400 ppm is the most I go and this is for only 2 weeks at the most water once every 3 days plain water EVERY OTHER TIME you are burning it~:lol:


Active Member
I water like once or twice a week. Each time I 'water' I alternate between plain ph'd water and roots organic nutrients. I do just a little bit more than the feeding chart recommends. I've tried different nutes and soil


Active Member
the guy at the shop told me not to worry but the plant looks ugly when i harvest and doesn't a nitrogen deficiency make the plant more susceptible to pests and disease and make the buds not swell to their full potential.. i picked up more root organic nutes, im either gonna give them more Grow or this other stuff from soul synthetics