My plants sick...duhhh its the PH


Well-Known Member
Im just talkin on the norm. Theres water out there thats all sortsa sideways. But 95% of peoples is fine imo.
I'm another one that doesn't adjust my water.
I checked it last year, and after finding it came out at 7.9, but with what I do, doesn't give me problems, I don't even give it a second thought.
Sometimes I wonder if the 'PH is off' comment is the new replacement for what I used to see daily.........."Throw Cal/ MAG at it!"


Well-Known Member
There's no question that pH is crucial in hydro... in soil there's a broader acceptable range and it's much easier to maintain. But I disagree that pH isn't important in soil... it is VERY important, but it's also harder to screw up.

Ph changes in soil comes from what you put in. The soil you start out with may be too acidic or basic. The nutes I use generally lower the pH quite significantly. Luckily my tap water comes out around 7.5 to 8, and after I add my nutes, I get around 6.5-7 with 5.5 run off. If you don't CHECK the pH of what your plants are growing in and using to grow, you sure can screw it up and it will definitely matter! But it's perfectly possible to grow cannabis (and all sorts of other plants) successfully without testing the pH in soil IMO.
i can only estimate the ph of my NFT system will most likely fluctuate anywhere from 5.5 to 7.4 , i have no issues
dwc is the same, with a stable water supply the ph will always be in an acceptable range once the food is added
no adjustments are required, keeping the ph at a constant level did not provide any benefit, so i decided to not bother
seems pointless to do things that do not benefit the system