my plant's stopped drinking

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
If you go too long between watering the soil can dry out and actually repel water. Use a surfactant (like a drop of dish soap) to help encourage absorption, and don't go as long between waterings in the future.
sounds like salt build up around the roots... but thats just 1st impressions, if so a good low pH flush
like i said its 1st impressions id like to hear a few other opinions...
If you go too long between watering the soil can dry out and actually repel water. Use a surfactant (like a drop of dish soap) to help encourage absorption, and don't go as long between waterings in the future.
i water it every other dayish or wen the pot's lite dude
Jerry>>>>> i check every day or so n it didn't look like it was drinkin, seems better now tho, mabe was my mind playin tricks on me lol