My pot movie

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Well-Known Member
You are a true inspiration man, I am in otter awe watching your videos. You show the true live and let live ways which i hope one day we will all abide by.


Well-Known Member
I just found these videos a few days back. I watched all 11 of them then read @100 of the posts that were made. This video reminds me of a movie from the 80's called 'Pot Shots' that was made in a Northern Californian garden, in their back yard. The base of one of the plants busted out of a Folgers coffee can! It was unbelievable the amount of bud that came from that one plant in weight. They woke up each day and fed the sucker leaves to the chickens that were close by :). This documentary is different here in a way though because it is more aimed at bucking the system and I can't get enough of this. It's truely inspiring. I'm certainly appreciating what this guy is standing for. It doesn't matter if anybody believes this story and video or not really because it's not so much whether you believe it or not but the message that is trying to be told here. THAT is what it's all about. Screw the Govt in America that wastes @ 4 Billion of our tax dollars on fighting the war on marijuana alone! Thanks for all of your hard work to get the videos and messages out. It's appreciated by most of us.

Puna Bud

Well-Known Member
I think what the BDW did is awesome! Do some of you actually think this was staged? I've been right where he was at too. On one side you have collecting agencies calling you. On the other side you have potiential customers constantly calling you asking when things will be ready. The BDW was smart. He spread his patches out. Which was smart on his behalf. As you saw he lost more than 50% of his patches! This is the price of war gang, and don't think growing inside means your safe either. Especially if your growing inside mom & dad's house! Electric company turns your ass in to the DEA for an incredible surge(increase) in electrical use at your house. The the DEA flys over your neighborhood taking infrared images/Thermal Imaging of the pad. If busted you're gonna lose your house, and if that house belongs to your folks you are gonna have a lot of explaining to do...during pre-trial!

That's why my hat's off to the BDW. That is a lot of blood,sweat, and yes tears to grow outdoor patches. Dude is a beast too, which made it look a lot easier than you can imagine. Packing in all those bags of soil/fert.,and his water system too. Seeing his video makes me feel like I'm not alone anymore too!
Personally, I can't wait to see what happens next with 'Road block' in next episode...that's if there is another episode?:wall:


Well-Known Member
Watched all 11 now, amazing.... better than most films I've seen!

Really felt for him though, when field 'o dreams was trashed :( And I was crapping myself watching that chopper go round & round!

Brilliant series!!


Well-Known Member
No sorry I do not. I once had the movie on VHS that I rented from a local video store. I kept the video a month past due until I finally returned it. A week later the video store I rented it from burned down. I didn't think much of it at the time to be honest, but should have at least copied it. The company that produced it has since gone out of business, but you can find the company name in one of those books that the video stores have that shows all movies ever made. Good luck finding it. I had no success either but if you do find it, please let me know too.
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