My pot movie

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hey brown dirt whats with the web site? it was up but now nothing? oh and my guess is 5.5 lbs. want to buy the vid but now i cant. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

my webmaster left town suddenly for a family emergency and the site went down the day after he left. I haven't been able to contact him but learned his father is dying. So I don't know what happened to the site but I'm speculating that the host had problems with the content and shut it down. I'll get to the bottom of it soon even if it means putting it up somewhere else.

Sorry about that. It couldn't come at a worse time. I just got a 6 page layout in CC mag and that web address in on there. PM me if you want further information.
Hey BrownDirtWarrior My Brother, Glad To See You Taking Time To Talk To The People!!!!!!!~~~~~Haven't Got The Chance To Applaud You For The Last Few Episodes!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,They Were Great, HopeFully You Got To Injoy Your 420, & It Wasn't All work!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,Stay Real My Brother!!!!!,Later HATCH:mrgreen::blsmoke::joint::hump::blsmoke::mrgreen::peace:
haha nice bdw. im glad u made it threw the haters. when i get back on my feet. ima get the dvd. my outdoor is turning out better than my indoor ever did. mainly cuz you have to keep a watch on so many things indoors
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