My pot movie

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are new episodes out yet.
it would take all day to look through hoping you have posted the end to the cliff hanger. good marketing.
are you keeping us hanging on, to the hit us with the cliff hanger dvd. for$19.99lol
No, I'm very busy and putting these out as I make them. That would be a bit cheezy. I will be offering a big screen DVD with added features when all is done.


Well-Known Member
yea but hes makin mad cash sellin these buds. you ever hear when he says in the video the money he expects from the crop? crazy shit man, and you see him with mark emery( i think that the dudes name)? i do want a new video though, come on bdw.....:joint::mrgreen:
The only responsibility I feel I have to any of you nay sayers, is to deliver the very best I can do. And that is because I am a serious artist and wouldn't have it any other way. Please keep in mind this is free to you. And I have to make a living as well. I have a life outside this. I'm giving you my heart and soul here. It hurts to hear this kind of stuff when all I have been doing is giving and only asking for a little moral support. You have no idea what is going on in my personal life that may be affecting this either. please show a little sensitivity. This bickering will mean nothing in the end. You'll see what is coming and forget about all this nonsense. Please try to see past your nose. this is history here. No one else is doing this. You guys are getting it freshly minted. This project is already gaining internatinal attention. I just got recording artist MOBY on board providing music. This thing could break out. Don't foresake me because you don't feel it's happening fast enough. it cheapens the process and tends to make one look petty.

I want to put rollitup in the movie. But you gotta keep it real folks.

Thanks to you all that have wished me a happy birthday. Now THAT I can appreciate on my so called special day.


Active Member
The only responsibility I feel I have to any of you nay sayers, is to deliver the very best I can do. And that is because I am a serious artist and wouldn't have it any other way. Please keep in mind this is free to you. And I have to make a living as well. I have a life outside this. I'm giving you my heart and soul here. It hurts to hear this kind of stuff when all I have been doing is giving and only asking for a little moral support. You have no idea what is going on in my personal life that may be affecting this either. please show a little sensitivity. This bickering will mean nothing in the end. You'll see what is coming and forget about all this nonsense. Please try to see past your nose. this is history here. No one else is doing this. You guys are getting it freshly minted. This project is already gaining internatinal attention. I just got recording artist MOBY on board providing music. This thing could break out. Don't foresake me because you don't feel it's happening fast enough. it cheapens the process and tends to make one look petty.

I want to put rollitup in the movie. But you gotta keep it real folks.

Thanks to you all that have wished me a happy birthday. Now THAT I can appreciate on my so called special day.
man you just take your time! art takes time, and i guess some people don't understand that.
Truely appreciate what you are doing man, can't wait for ep 10 (no rush :mrgreen: ) keep up the awsome entertainment!

O and by the way, you are the inspiration my friends and I needed to start growing outdoors. We live in the Northeast, so when spring comes around, we are going to start our first outdoor grow, and hoping to make it a nice one.:joint:
Thanks man
-Ars1n :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
The only responsibility I feel I have to any of you nay sayers, is to deliver the very best I can do. And that is because I am a serious artist and wouldn't have it any other way. Please keep in mind this is free to you. And I have to make a living as well. I have a life outside this. I'm giving you my heart and soul here. It hurts to hear this kind of stuff when all I have been doing is giving and only asking for a little moral support. You have no idea what is going on in my personal life that may be affecting this either. please show a little sensitivity. This bickering will mean nothing in the end. You'll see what is coming and forget about all this nonsense. Please try to see past your nose. this is history here. No one else is doing this. You guys are getting it freshly minted. This project is already gaining internatinal attention. I just got recording artist MOBY on board providing music. This thing could break out. Don't foresake me because you don't feel it's happening fast enough. it cheapens the process and tends to make one look petty.

I want to put rollitup in the movie. But you gotta keep it real folks.

Thanks to you all that have wished me a happy birthday. Now THAT I can appreciate on my so called special day.
you've said this 10 times. :sleep:

i'm not hating, you just should have gotten it all together first. nothing like leavin' a stoner waiting. kinda why i grow my own. got fed up with dealers taken their time. now i just grow my own. :mrgreen:

but i kiss your feet for sharing with us little people. :hump:


Well-Known Member
This is a little ridiculous guys...stop bitching about something AWESOME that you are getting for free. If you had paid a subscription for this, then fine, bitch away, but none of you did, so chill out. As he said, he's making it in the time he has; this is a person we're talking about here, not some corporation or superhuman or something. He has to make a living, pay his bills, and deal with all the same bullshit that all the rest of us have to. Sitting around editing videos that he's releasing for free shouldn't be his top priority.

As for your point, fdd: yes, maybe he should have compiled it all and then put it out. But I kinda doubt he expected 90 pages of people constantly asking him when the next episode is coming out. I can't speak for him, but I'd imagine he would have done it differently if he knew it was going to get this big.


Well-Known Member
i told some of my friends here in boston about you bdw they thought it was cool untill it took months to push out a 10min clip hope if you do make it big you will relize its your fans that make you not the other way around. good luck and i do wish you the best.
you've said this 10 times. :sleep:

i'm not hating, you just should have gotten it all together first. nothing like leavin' a stoner waiting. kinda why i grow my own. got fed up with dealers taken their time. now i just grow my own. :mrgreen:

but i kiss your feet for sharing with us little people. :hump:
You ain't little my friend. Just a little frustrated. Nothing I'd like more than to be able to just slap this up for you. But you will be rewarded, and soon I promise. And it's going to be so much richer than you expected.


Well-Known Member
man dont worry about it browndirt, its just that the movies are so entertaining that we cant wait for the next episodes. good job bdw.
This is a little ridiculous guys...stop bitching about something AWESOME that you are getting for free. If you had paid a subscription for this, then fine, bitch away, but none of you did, so chill out. As he said, he's making it in the time he has; this is a person we're talking about here, not some corporation or superhuman or something. He has to make a living, pay his bills, and deal with all the same bullshit that all the rest of us have to. Sitting around editing videos that he's releasing for free shouldn't be his top priority.

As for your point, fdd: yes, maybe he should have compiled it all and then put it out. But I kinda doubt he expected 90 pages of people constantly asking him when the next episode is coming out. I can't speak for him, but I'd imagine he would have done it differently if he knew it was going to get this big.
this echos my sentiments exactly.

I've often considered this -- whether or not it was a good move to put it out as I put it together. I understand the process of being compelled by art and wanting the payoff. And I'm flattered and feel blessed that I have god given talent to do that. The good news is, this situation motivates me to post produce the very best I can -- to reward those of you who are so compelled by the material. Episode 10 is now getting the finishing touches. I'm not sure if people understand that editing is a disapline and an art that will make or break you as a production. It takes an enormous amount of creative energy to get pacing, rythm and sound design married together to create a complete experience that will grab you and keep you wanting more. if you think it's easy making art that will do that, look at all the bad films hollywood churns out every year -- year after year. Then make your own film, slap in on the net, and see how many people tell others to watch it. please don't think I am tooting my own horn here. Just illustrating a point.

If all goes well its only days until episode 10 rolls across your screens.
i told some of my friends here in boston about you bdw they thought it was cool untill it took months to push out a 10min clip hope if you do make it big you will relize its your fans that make you not the other way around. good luck and i do wish you the best.
never thought it could be so rewarding to be so dissappointing


Well-Known Member
If all goes well its only days until episode 10 rolls across your screens.
YES! I'm sure everyone here will be keeping their eyes glued to youtube for it.
As much as waiting for the videos sucks, I think everyone here can agree that we would be even more pissed and disappointed if you rushed it and released it before it was 100% done.


Well-Known Member
take youre time,we were starved for real entertainment before.were all behind ya bro! bye the way who gives a flying fuck what fdd2blk has to say if ya didnt catch that FUCK!!!! FDD 2BLK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
man dont be talkin to fdd like that. for real its his opinion, you dont see the actual guy( meaning browndirt )that fdd said that too reactin like you, come on man.


Well-Known Member
take youre time,we were starved for real entertainment before.were all behind ya bro! bye the way who gives a flying fuck what fdd2blk has to say if ya didnt catch that FUCK!!!! FDD 2BLK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

right back at ya'.

banned for 7 days (Insulting a fellow member). i don't even know this person. :evil:

i was just giving BDW a little kick in the pants. all in good fun. i don't think i ever bad mouthed him. just complained about the wait. just shows my desire to see more. :blsmoke:
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