My pot movie

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Too many brownies
that was the most useless 20 pages ever. hahahahaha, good times.

people complaining about a simple question...

people confusing others people with comments...

so much short tempered answers...

phew, its so much... im sweating. hahaha

im glad BDW came in and in one short statement diffused all the unnecessary bickering.

NSW, your a smart dude.

natmoon, exptremely helpful in diffusing the situation.

BDW, the shit as always.

aannnnnyyyyywwwaaaaayyyy. back on topic, THE VIDEOS!!!

im really excited for the next episode BDW, im seriously looking forward to the finishing harvest(if there will be one, does not look so promising) and the final outcome of the drama that has been unfolding. compelling as usual, much love bro.

p.s. i love this website
Thanks man :peace:


Well-Known Member
Tssss BDW knows his shit

ok maybe a couple a bummed spots this year, but fir that amount you gotta be bear the water table unless u wanna be hauling out there EVERY day...

and hell I come from the UK so what do I know eh?

We dont get the same size bushes... but we do well with what we have

Glad it worked out for ya BDW.... (musta or the vids wouldve never turned up)..

U ever need to lay low in the UK there's a bed for you here man... plus should be some haze to puff on too.....

SOOOO much respect....


Well-Known Member
dude i love that song... man if thats the type of music you like you should get sirius man its insane.... just one fix
The movies are very entertaining and I do enjoy them. Buuuuut you guys act like he is a growing GOD. He lost 2/3rds of his crop to flood and drought. Then the last 3rd, well he lost 80% of it to a chopper while trimming. I give the guy respect for what he is doing, I enjoy the videos, you "supporters" are the ones making it ugly here because if it werent for you giving me all this shit I would have just asked my question and it would have been over with.
I'm not a growing GOD my friend. I'm just a GOD LOL (and I hope no one takes that one seriously)


Well-Known Member
dude good to hear from ya..i got your back bro... so you ever end up gettin a bike? its almost that time of year and ridin on the open road fixes alot of peronal issues, peace man
outdoor usually produces a lot more leaves within the buds anyways. and the bright green color has nothing to to with how mature it is. different strains have different characteristics. late
the stem had mold -- it was cut. this is outdoor growing. you can lose a crop in two, three days. I make hash with anything with the remainder of the stem that isn't showing mold yet. But you have to cut it out to stave it off. and nothing that can be used gets waisted -- too much work goes into it.


Active Member
You're bang on bro.

I'm sorry folks, but here's my first and only flame: the guy's a fuckin' idiot. And I don't say that too often. first of all, I was taking down enough to grease the wheels for the big harvest -- and those were the buds I couldn't get my hands around because the blight was setting in ( assuming size is what matters). If you noticed, I only brought one tundra bag in there -- not enough to harvest that load. further to this, there are different genetics in there. Connoisseur tends to have a more sativa influence that tends to be more spindly in size -- but more cannabinoids which contribute to a more cerebral high (but this is subjective). To say I'm ripping people off without full information is WAY out of line. It's just seething jealousy at the attention all this is getting. I see he has monster threads, must be why. I'd like that comment taken down. It was uncalled for and undeserving.

What a fuckin' loser, dissing me like that without provocation. I give him my heart and soul and he says I'm ripping people off? Get a fucking life pal.

damn man if i was you id just stop putting out this video... motherfuckers are sooooo quick to assume... im sorry but the resolution on that video is sooooooooo bad that there is no fucking way in hell to even tell if theres hairs on the weed!!! WHO THE FUCK CARESSSS you just make yourselvs look like morons! OMG I THINK IT WAS HARVESTED ERALY... Who cares dude.... who the fuck cares? all i know is that assuming never gets anybody in a better position than they were in before... so before you just go out and DECIDE WHAT HAPPENED... why dont you let the man speak for himself? go get em BDW.


Well-Known Member
damn man if i was you id just stop putting out this video... motherfuckers are sooooo quick to assume... im sorry but the resolution on that video is sooooooooo bad that there is no fucking way in hell to even tell if theres hairs on the weed!!! WHO THE FUCK CARESSSS you just make yourselvs look like morons! OMG I THINK IT WAS HARVESTED ERALY... Who cares dude.... who the fuck cares? all i know is that assuming never gets anybody in a better position than they were in before... so before you just go out and DECIDE WHAT HAPPENED... why dont you let the man speak for himself? go get em BDW.

NO you better not start something again! We just spend days arguing over shit like this. Don't you dare start fucking around and getting people pissed off. I hope for your sake that no one tries to argue this. Please just let this guys stupid comment slid by. Or else we'll get another 20 pages of shit. Ahh I don't think I could handle any more of what was going on.
nonstop, there are a lot of things going on there in that grow theatre: Different strains with different yields (low yielding connoisseur, more commercial high yielding strains) mold setting setting in, and that's just to name a few. I'm not sure why you didn't comment about the huge ones that were cut, but that's your prerogative. The straight answer is, when you are out there in the field, you have to work with what you've got, and what nature throws at you. If you have a week of rain setting in, and mold has already started because of cooler than usual morning with warm afternoons that cause condensation which in turn speeds mold because plants are near the end of their life cycle and the natural defenses are weak -- then you cut it below the source and make due with what is salvageable ... namely make hash. So if we could not discuss the finer aspects of what is going on in this thread anymore, that would be great.

Now on to Zekedogg...

This ain't quite over with you. I still see the comment up. And you also have been back on without so much as an apology. You say you can't wait for the next vid. I'm confused here. You call my customers suckers then want to see more videos in the same breath?

If the moderators of this site want my company while I execute this film, I need a basic modicum of respect.

I'm no grow god, I'm no nothing. but I'll let the work stand or fall on its own merits. I want to thank you guys here and now who have supported me, stuck up for me, and brought some sanity to this feeding frenzy (because I won't post another message until A: the zekedogg comment is down. B: he either fully explains what he meant there and apologizes for besmirching my name or C, he is banned from my thread).

thank you. Peace


Well-Known Member
NO you better not start something again! We just spend days arguing over shit like this. Don't you dare start fucking around and getting people pissed off. I hope for your sake that no one tries to argue this. Please just let this guys stupid comment slid by. Or else we'll get another 20 pages of shit. Ahh I don't think I could handle any more of what was going on.
he may of just now read it, but yea its over so lets keep it over..bongsmilie


Too many brownies
nonstop, there are a lot of things going on there in that grow theatre: Different strains with different yields (low yielding connoisseur, more commercial high yielding strains) mold setting setting in, and that's just to name a few. I'm not sure why you didn't comment about the huge ones that were cut, but that's your prerogative. The straight answer is, when you are out there in the field, you have to work with what you've got, and what nature throws at you. If you have a week of rain setting in, and mold has already started because of cooler than usual morning with warm afternoons that cause condensation which in turn speeds mold because plants are near the end of their life cycle and the natural defenses are weak -- then you cut it below the source and make due with what is salvageable ... namely make hash. So if we could not discuss the finer aspects of what is going on in this thread anymore, that would be great.

Now on to Zekedogg...

This ain't quite over with you. I still see the comment up. And you also have been back on without so much as an apology. You say you can't wait for the next vid. I'm confused here. You call my customers suckers then want to see more videos in the same breath?

If the moderators of this site want my company while I execute this film, I need a basic modicum of respect.

I'm no grow god, I'm no nothing. but I'll let the work stand or fall on its own merits. I want to thank you guys here and now who have supported me, stuck up for me, and brought some sanity to this feeding frenzy (because I won't post another message until A: the zekedogg comment is down. B: he either fully explains what he meant there and apologizes for besmirching my name or C, he is banned from my thread).

thank you. Peace

Awesome thats what I was lookin for. I kinda guessed it was mold or some other issue I was just curious what it was.

Thanks man


Oh and DAVE....that shit is over with why are you trying to start trouble again.....
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