My pot movie

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so you watch then come into critize the free clip your given fdd? I dont find much logic to that.Thats like getting a free sack to sample some weed then bitching it was big enough and you had to use your own lighter to smoke????
I was always under the impression that this man was a master grower of over 20+ years now(as to how he deemed his name browndirtwarrior) He specifically stated that this was his ART, his PASSION for a lifetime.
yes I also consider perfecting a particular grown item an art form. It takes a passion to grow and grow right to perefect soil mixes,hydro styles or simple cross breeds.You dont consider that an art just as thier is an art to making fine wines,and art to a beautiful car paint job? Auto restoration to me is a passion and an art.I find no car people will see a restored car in my driveway as they walk by and will stop and talk about it with me asking questions interested even thought they were not car people...
what's all this bullshit about free stuff? what about all my free advice? it means nothing. if he didn't want to show me for free than don't post it. so i should be oh so grateful for being allowed to view this?

i know guerilla growers. i have a book written by one. most of them live in the woods for the whole season. the dude has a chip on his shoulder. just trying to help brush a little of that off. he has a big enough following, maybe to practice being humble would help.

i'm a tool from california who has medical issues and lives in a free state. i'm shit, nobody. and i openly admit it. now how hard was that?
My fault fdd I didnt know you were charged for the free youtube clips he posted.I want aware you were being charged my bad I htought you watched them for free like the other 10000 viewers.A chip? he defend his project when some jack ass is like "OH your making this for a retail dvd for money you asshole and your using this post to tell people about your dvd" umm yes thats a known fact...About your advise yes its free but what if you started a nice link with pictures showing some stills of an up coming how to grow outside book and you said you have over the years learned from many differnet grows a great way to grow huge plants with great yields and when its done you will have it for sale but until then heres some screen shots of the plants and thier buds and then I cam in every day and was like" OH fuck you just becuase you answer a few questions and show us a great way to grow outside without buying the whole book your a dick who just wants money fuck off"..would you sit quietly or defend your body of work and the time you put into making it?? again sorry you were charged to watch those youtube video clips Im sure if you ask you can get your money back
My fault fdd I didnt know you were charged for the free youtube clips he posted.I want aware you were being charged my bad I htought you watched them for free like the other 10000 viewers.A chip? he defend his project when some jack ass is like "OH your making this for a retail dvd for money you asshole and your using this post to tell people about your dvd" umm yes thats a known fact...About your advise yes its free but what if you started a nice link with pictures showing some stills of an up coming how to grow outside book and you said you have over the years learned from many differnet grows a great way to grow huge plants with great yields and when its done you will have it for sale but until then heres some screen shots of the plants and thier buds and then I cam in every day and was like" OH fuck you just becuase you answer a few questions and show us a great way to grow outside without buying the whole book your a dick who just wants money fuck off"..would you sit quietly or defend your body of work and the time you put into making it?? again sorry you were charged to watch those youtube video clips Im sure if you ask you can get your money back

wtf are you talking about? it's all free. or did i miss something? his videos are promotion. if i saw his DVD in the store and never saw the youtube clips i wouldn't give it a second glance. after all this crap now i'll just limewire it. :mrgreen:

he was on youtube 4 hours ago. he said a couple of days, it's been 2 weeks i call that a lie. are you guys married or something?
another thing I would also like to point out is the fact this obviously is not real time....Whatever it is that he is filming is done and has been done for quite some time now....:hump:
So when he speaks of all the time and energy he puts into this I think to myself...YES if it were real time but obviously its not, so unless editing some shit and posting a few clips takes years, I think we are being dragged along
REally, really, really Random but im pretty pist. I tried to limewire see more budz and i got one download that poped up. Anyone trying to, dont. Ever since my whole computer works at the speed of dialup divided by 4. What the fucking hell!?!?!?! GK, god damn you.

Theres a brown dirt movie? Fucking aesome, im going to check into that. Anyone have an idea when the next episode is coming?
what's all this bullshit about free stuff?
I took since you were asking if it was free you must be implying you were charged for it...Im assuming fdd you only work one job and non in the enteratinment bussiness? If you do a movie,make music and sells cds, or antyhing of that sort you would know the time it takes to do it all. create,production,promotion,emails,phone calls,grow,post video files,edit them down to internet size that will run on multiple connection speeds,deal with your wife leaving,obligations to sponsors and distributors,work your regular job and somewhere in there get sleep.There are times when with my music label I dont have enough time to watch 1 whole 30 minute tv show..Its hard enough to work a single job in the trade 50-70 hourds a week and find time to do things. Im lucky right now as my trade job is slow since housing market had all but died and the 2 new cd projects I have coming up wont need my full attention for another month maybe 2 then I wont be able to sit ad answer hundreds of pms either so I will prepare for you to call me an ass for not working as fast as youd like me too..You must just hate GarddenKnown since he is always gone then back then here sharing movie and book clips.Hell I might ask if your married to him since all you fight with him like a wife would .Im just looking for a single reason he is this huge liar who has been up front and honest since day one.A handful of people smoked to much and for some reason made a conspiracy thereory out of a project he used his filmamking artist skills to document his love of weed which he used to help get out of debit....side note do not use limewire its leave s direct open line to your computer which is heavily followed by music and film theft agencies paid to foloww it.Use bit comet its an open source file share not a direct p2p source like limewire thats why everyone who gets in trouble for piracy is a lime wire user.Plus if yyour computer has things like tax info or past credit car usgae its super super easy to just get that via limewire from your computer.
and you had to use your own lighter to smoke????


that's a low blow.... but I like the visual a lot...

I am gonna go to Mr. Raspy voices house barm or whatever... and ask him if I can use his computer and his internet access and his password to RIU so that I can rip him a new ONE.. on his own thread..


now that's what I'm talking about :)

Yes limewire also carries programs from record and film distributors that have viruses to eat your drive and send them your info as part of design they post fake files for popular searches. Zekke you al know movies and cds arent real time also right. They film or record something that may not be released or finished for 2-3 years right thats standard practice and is standard info everyone pretty much knows and understands
Graden side note am I right as I know you made dvds and book.Does it take alot of work and time? can you be in production and say thursday scene 5 will be ready without fail or does shit kinda go as good as it can with shit in the middle slowing you down? That cfls grow did you put the book out as the plant was growing or did you have to wait for the plant to grow, then add art,then edit,then print then approve,then press, then distribute? Apparently some think its all done in a few weeks
REally, really, really Random but im pretty pist. I tried to limewire see more budz and i got one download that poped up. Anyone trying to, dont. Ever since my whole computer works at the speed of dialup divided by 4. What the fucking hell!?!?!?! GK, god damn you.

Theres a brown dirt movie? Fucking aesome, im going to check into that. Anyone have an idea when the next episode is coming?


I need help..

should I

ban you ?
thank you ?
or ignore you?

Can somebody please decipher this post....

am I being torn a new one.. or complimented or both...?

Yes limewire also carries programs from record and film distributors that have viruses to eat your drive and send them your info as part of design they post fake files for popular searches. Zekke you al know movies and cds arent real time also right. They film or record something that may not be released or finished for 2-3 years right thats standard practice and is standard info everyone pretty much knows and understands

Check this out dude, I have video footage of family shit with my kids, christmas's and everything like that...I can go through them all and edit what I dont want, add music and put it up on youtube with 15 different episodes each being 5 or so minutes a piece in less than a week and still work 60+ hours at my job:hump:
well he used limewire so he mostly is on a list for a raid eventually and he probably got s virus from limewire that will destroy his drive with a worm slowly so he might just be offline anyways lol
Yes limewire also carries programs from record and film distributors that have viruses to eat your drive and send them your info as part of design they post fake files for popular searches. Zekke you al know movies and cds arent real time also right. They film or record something that may not be released or finished for 2-3 years right thats standard practice and is standard info everyone pretty much knows and understands
Yeah i used limewire for years with nortan and never had one problem. Now i got these cheapo fee antivirus and spyware downloads that scan like 2 thousand files where my nortan scaned hundreds of thousand. Ill check out that open source file share though, i dont know if i like the whole limewire deal to much anymore. Fucking gay. thanks.:peace:
Yes limewire also carries programs from record and film distributors that have viruses to eat your drive and send them your info as part of design they post fake files for popular searches. Zekke you al know movies and cds arent real time also right. They film or record something that may not be released or finished for 2-3 years right thats standard practice and is standard info everyone pretty much knows and understands
Thats because zeke probably lives in his mothers basement collecting unemployment and has no ambition in life and he as no clue and cant cope with reality and spends his days talking shit on the internet. does that sum it up:twisted::mrgreen::mrgreen:
zekke and with those differnt movies how many motnhs of filming was that to record or was it a day here a holiday here? When you edited it for dvd quality and sound what programs did you sue as to be retail it has to be at certain standards if its gonna be carried by a well known sponsor like Advance nutes like his dvd will be.What bandwidth will you post thos videos in and for what connection frames?Did you send your artwork out for approval and test press? On distribution how many companies did you deal with to meet deadlines and price in your budget? Now when your had a minute did you travel to promotion meetings and talk to the financers or what? Need some of that info to see if you made a 5 minute home movie or a detailed sponsored retail dvd with a marketing push and budget
Yes limewire also carries programs from record and film distributors that have viruses to eat your drive and send them your info as part of design they post fake files for popular searches. Zekke you al know movies and cds arent real time also right. They film or record something that may not be released or finished for 2-3 years right thats standard practice and is standard info everyone pretty much knows and understands

you're just a bucket of knowledge aren't you? thanks for putting it all into perspective. garden knowm puts out new shit all year long. he does A LOT more than grow videos. he doesn't start year long threads to promote them either......fighting like lovers? whatever. i had 1 issue 1 time. drag it out like you so love to do though. i see how busy you are. post away young soldier, post away.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:

he starts a thread and puts it out there. call me a critic. hollywood is full of them. this is a production, correct? am i not allowed an opinion. once again, he said a couple of days, it's been weeks. we are being played. guess you don't mind having your chain yanked though.:hump::hump:
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