My Progress! From being a total noob.


:weed::weed: This is my Progress in my very first grow!:weed::weed:

Ok guys its been about two weeks here after a few previous posts of my with questions about germinationg. After doing research I decided I wanted to grow! So I ordered 5 Feminized Northern Lights Seeds. 6 days later the seeds arrive.. I placed them in moist paper towerls in between 2 plated and in a dark room. After two days my first seed cracked, with the rootling out. SO I take this seed into my room and pot it. Its under 3 constant Cfl Bulbs a total of about 4500 Lemuns for 24 hours a day. After two weeks a buddy of mine brought me 5 more plants.. Asking me to grow them for him. I agreed now I have 3 not sure male or female plants in with my 1 Female Northern Lights Plants. After three days together this is what they look like! Its weird because the Northern Lights is growing much slower than the other plants and I dont know why. So here is my first and current growroom! Thanks for reading!! Any tips comments or questions feel free!

(Also the plant in the grey pot is the northern light female plant!)



Well-Known Member
Careful growing for someone else dude. But if you could throw more lights in. CFLs will give more light for use if used sideways from what ive read. a 2 liter bottle makes a good ghetto reflector when lined with reflective stuff properly. otherwise it looks like a good start.


Yeah thanks dude.. Oh amd I forgot to mention that grey thing on the left side.. In the picture. Is a fan that stays on 24 hours a days it blows the plants just a little but keep the air moving. And you really think I need reflectors I dont think im losing much light.


Well-Known Member
not yet you wont need them, but later on with as many plants as you have going you just might. But angling them i found works best for my use. like a 45degree. But usually one per plant is good for sprouts from what you see on here. I used one 42w CFL bulb for my current SLH. And ended up with 5 for a 5 week veg.


"Its weird because the Northern Lights is growing much slower than the other plants and I dont know why. So here is my first and current growroom! Thanks for reading!! Any tips comments or questions feel free!"

I wouldn't be to worried about this..Most of the growth is probably happening under the soil, preparing a strong root structure for its life. As far as everything else it looks good but you have any ideas for lighting when they get bigger? Perhaps, more CFLs or even a HPS light for them?


Well-Known Member
If you have the option HID lighting is the way to go. i recommend atleast a 400w light for HPS. But just keep goin and youll build a pattern in no time. More cfls or HID with cfl on the sides.


Thanks for the tips guys. But when they get bigger if I get like 3 more Cfl bulb think that would work instead of another light?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member



Hmm ok thanks.. One more question how big should I let the plants get before I switch to veg.. And what are the correct or best Veg Cycles.. Also I currently have them on an 18/6 cycle. Thanks


i assume you mean how you should get them before switching to flowering? veg is first and entails the vegatative, green growth of the plant..flowering is the actual flowering (or budding) of the plant. as far as cycles, 18/6 is best (opinion) for veg. some use 24 hours and I have used with tremendous growth, although it doesnt seem "natural". flowering is 12/12 for cycle.

As far as size, you should take into account your specific needs. how big of an area do you have? how much light do you have, and is it enough to covor the area discussed in last question? Average growth in flowering is usually 2x the size as a vegatative plant. example = 1 ft tall and you changed it to 12/12 to flower. expect 3ft plant in end.

Good luck and hope this helps