My puppy broke off my flowering plant, any way to fix it? : (

So my idiot room mate let my 11 week old puppy in the room while i was at work. She calls me and tells me he got into the plant and fully broke off the top. I was at 2 weeks of flowering and very successful.... is there any way to fix my broken plant? ahhh if not im gonna be so pist, as i already am! please help :sad:
like literually broke it off? where as the plant isnt connected to the roots? if so i doubt you could do anything man...too much stress on the plant, specially if its flowering... its like trying to make roots grow from a flower...but im no expert so wait for some more answers man...sorry for your loss, my first plant happend the same exact thing, just that i was transplanting and the plant flipped over and all the soil came tumbling down and snapped it in 2


Well-Known Member
Yes you can fix it. Stake the stem up and then tape up the broken joint. just enough to keep it moist and keep dirt and stuff out. It will heal itself. This may also cause more branching and may delay harvest a week or two. :(


Well-Known Member
Serapis is right you can do exactly as he said I'm bummed for you last night I knocked my lights down snapped several branches off they were almost readyt tro havest I said screw trying to repair my branches just clipped them broken one and am going to attempt hash good luck to you


Well-Known Member
Stake it up as in brace the broken piece some use tape to hold it together curious what you ended up doing with it
I agree with serapis. Put the stem perfectly back on top of the rooted stubb you have left, stake it so its standing straight and put some masking tape around where the break is, it may heal itself. Ive broken and buckled branches and they've always healed, but as far as a plant being chopped at the base and put back together..i dunno.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can fix it. Stake the stem up and then tape up the broken joint. just enough to keep it moist and keep dirt and stuff out. It will heal itself. This may also cause more branching and may delay harvest a week or two. :(
The plant it totally detached from the roots, there's no saving it. This advice would be good only if it was bent and not broken off.


Well-Known Member
Your asking the wrong question. Shouldnt be how to fix the plant. It should be on how to find a non retarded friend. :)

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
It will have a chance, but since you're at work and not getting home right away, my feeling towards this is that it will be a goner. I guess get home asap and see what you can do. If not, sorry for the loss and hopefully your room mate will be you a bag of some dank for this mistake!