my purple white widow from


Well-Known Member
well, surely you could see how that could throw somebody's not ok?

i thought for sure you were screwin with me...i was having fun.

Oh I am fine just fine!! just sitting here eating my popcorn watching you fumble fuck around with your cloner.

I WAS!!!!! ROFL.... ROFL they really need a emocon guy rolling around on the floor!!


Well-Known Member

this makes me feel better....yo sparky here's a look into the future of your ww grow.:bigjoint:
Well at least you have that going for you!! problem is are you going to be able to duplicate it with out growing from seed? ROFL again!!

No Bugs that's a real nice cola i am really excited to see your harvest. Mine is 4 to 5 weeks away.

I did however for your amusement try to blow up my grow by not plugging back in my pumps one night. I know i caused some damage of course i wont know until a set comes behind to compare with but i keep trying to kill them.


New Member
Well at least you have that going for you!! problem is are you going to be able to duplicate it with out growing from seed? ROFL again!!

ok....that was funny, my wife thinks were gay, just a lil bit.

No Bugs that's a real nice cola i am really excited to see your harvest. Mine is 4 to 5 weeks away.

they are gettin soooo fat and hard as hell

I did however for your amusement try to blow up my grow by not plugging back in my pumps one night. I know i caused some damage of course i wont know until a set comes behind to compare with but i keep trying to kill them.
now see....a lesser man would revel in your "almost failure" and smile at you with a superior feeling. but not me;-) ......hehe


Well-Known Member
now see....a lesser man would revel in your "almost failure" and smile at you with a superior feeling. but not me;-) ......hehe
Well no not right now i am doing good just wait until i step on it i know you will be the first one to kick.... i mean pick me up:lol:

I am very comfortable in my manliness thank you.

How many weeks are you again? I looked again man those are nice....


New Member
Well no not right now i am doing good just wait until i step on it i know you will be the first one to kick.... i mean pick me up:lol:

who, me? i am the epitomy of support

I am very comfortable in my manliness thank you.

alrighty then:bigjoint:

How many weeks are you again? I looked again man those are nice....
week 7 day 1:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Their okay, seen better...
Ahh, j/k. Those are lookin real good. Those the ones u think u cut too much off? It looks like u could still grow another couple inches of bud. Are u using FloraN yet ore stillPBP?


New Member
Their okay, seen better...
Ahh, j/k. Those are lookin real good. Those the ones u think u cut too much off? It looks like u could still grow another couple inches of bud. Are u using FloraN yet ore stillPBP?
and a left jab outta nowhere from ch sends the champ to the mat.....ya i cut waaaay too much on these....i was way high when i pruned....lesson learned. and on the man i switched a while ago to GH flora/micro/bloom 3 part.....i love it. couldnt be happier and easy as hell.:leaf:


New Member
what kind of plants are buds look exactly like that cant remember the strain

really??? it's the name of the thread

white widow from the netherlands....and they get purple veins running through the bud....can you say bag appeal?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
and a left jab outta nowhere from ch sends the champ to the mat.....ya i cut waaaay too much on these....i was way high when i pruned....lesson learned. and on the man i switched a while ago to GH flora/micro/bloom 3 part.....i love it. couldnt be happier and easy as hell.:leaf:
What a cheap shot hey.
To tell u the truth, I did a SOG from seed, and I trimmed some of mine a thread away from death. I ruined this grow so bad. 85-90 temps all dya. Never do a sog from I will be lucky to pull an eighth off of these babies, good thing I got 18 of em... I just need some bud to get me thru the next 3 months. That should get me thru two of em.


New Member
What a cheap shot hey.
To tell u the truth, I did a SOG from seed, and I trimmed some of mine a thread away from death. I ruined this grow so bad. 85-90 temps all dya. Never do a sog from I will be lucky to pull an eighth off of these babies, good thing I got 18 of em... I just need some bud to get me thru the next 3 months. That should get me thru two of em.

my first was dwc from seed and i only kept 2 out of 14 alive and they gave me purple white widow and only 1/4 0z dry weight on each stalk.


Well-Known Member
I was building my own dwc system and wanted to know how much airspace i need from the res to the netcups..
I think u are asking how much space between the water and the bottom of the pots? Correct?
At first u want an inch, then as the plants get bigger u will want to lower the res water
The airstones will create bubbles and when the bubbles rise to the surface and pop they throw a fine mist around.
A good way to test it is just to look at the bottom of the netpots after the unit has been running for a minute. All the netpots should have water misted up onto the bottom of them..
thanks for thant gonna get to that next week..right now im focused on gettin a air cooled reflector and fan to cool my 400 and another fan with a filter to exhaust my room


New Member
You plant murderer!!!! Someone Dial 911!!!!! :lol: Better luck on your next harvest...:bigjoint:

why you gotta bring up old shit???? you've got no proof. plus it was pled down to involuntary plantslaughter.

damn your we're supposed to be stoners here, i cant remember to tie my sandals

but the next one is coming right along....i think i'm on track and will be firing on all cylinders in a couple of weeks!!!


New Member
arent the buds sopposed to turn purple in the last few weeks of flower?
yup...they did on the first batch i did...these ones only have a lil purple if you accidentally pick one and break it up and give the innerds a look. the smell and flavor is there but the massive purple isnt coming in yet and the clock is winding down. this was a different tube of ww seeds but i ordered them at the same time. i might have missed out on a rare beautifull thing......i hope not