my raised beds,new pics,painted


Well-Known Member
Very very nice!

You're going to be very happy in a few months, and even happier next Spring when you finish trimming! (I spent three months trimming last year. Finished the week before Christmas.)


Well-Known Member
some from another bed these were out about 10 days longer its a little crouded time to start tying them down away from each other this week.



Well-Known Member
thanks bud. best wishes to you to. i know i figure it takes me about 6 hours to properly trim and manicure 1 lb thats without all the time invested into moving it around and curing,opening jars, all that good stuff.


Well-Known Member
Nice healthy plants!

They'll be monsters.

Noticed how heavy five gallons of water is?

You can save as much as half on water if you put a heavy layer of mulch over your soil. Keep it just clear of your copper wire.

Just a thought.


Well-Known Member
My best was about a pound in ten hours.

My hands are arthritic which really slows me down.

I'm happy with an ounce an hour, these days, and about four hours a day.


Well-Known Member
no man not one clone this year. first year in many i didnt plant clones long story probly told it on here already.everything is seed some regs and some female. all have shown their sex already. seed plants are realy the way to go anyhow. when growing from seed you never quite know what your going to get. but the flip side is with clones you know they are proven and you WILL get. so this year if i have some keepers ill keep it going for next year.


Well-Known Member
you said you used some reg seeds??? how have they already showed sex... i didnt think they would show sex until the days begin to shorten??? am i wrong?


Well-Known Member
yes i know i should put some mulch out but ive a good hook up for some and it wont be here for a few more days. my mother is getting a dump truck load delivered to her house soon. she has that much gardens to take care of. she is also arthritic so i do most of the mulching. but she hooks me up with lots. she has been a pretty understanding mother from the age of about 15. im nearly mid 30s now. yea 5 gallons is 40lbs i could carry double i was with soil but i dont have a big enough bag and putting it on my shoulder is inviting trouble if im seen. so i must carry alot this was the first time ive watered this year they didnt realy need it but i gave them some nutes with it. this summer will be when i will have probs. thanks for looking out.


Well-Known Member
they start to show some preflowers after about 45 days usuallly. but they wont flower till july sometime? all the femmed seeds have shown some preflowers also. biddy early showed quick around 30 days bubba kush showed last even after the super lemon haze.


Well-Known Member all strains show preflowers... are male preflowers just small balls? lol female small hairs? haha


Active Member
holy shit that's a lot of soil. your sativas are looking sexy as hell. I also had to haul some soil to my area, I'm only growing 4 plants this year though. I filled a bag with 5 gallons of soil and put it in my back pack, then i had to ride my bike about 2.5 miles to the spots. I carried 4 different bags 5 gallons at a time so each plant would get 5 gallons of soil. Your spots are fuckin amazing, I can't believe you got that much sunshine mix. Whats funny is I couldn't even break the dirt with a shovel at one of my sights, so I'm thinking i will just grow the plants straight out of the bags of soil... anyone ever try this... btw your backyard looks amazing its a shame you cant grow back there


Well-Known Member
yea its keeping me in shape though. now that im done hauling soil except for a few containers its all easy from here. its relaxing once you get out there and water them and spend time with your plants.


Well-Known Member
thanks man its not my backyard however. its my mothers you should see the front yard she has been in magazines before. no lie she has a greenthumb like you wouldnt believe. and can name everything growing that has a flower on it. wild or domestic. but i use her area as a fob ( foreward operating base ) as having all that stuff at my place would be out of place it would raise eyebrows.


Well-Known Member
they start to show some preflowers after about 45 days usuallly. but they wont flower till july sometime? all the femmed seeds have shown some preflowers also. biddy early showed quick around 30 days bubba kush showed last even after the super lemon haze.
I have a 4 plants out that are about 6 weeks old and still no preflower. I've been checking ever since I read your post from a week or two ago about how some of yours are showing sex already. Hoping they show soon so I can pull the males and not have to worry about maintaining plants for nothing. My other 4 plants are from fem seeds, so no worries about them. They are only 3 weeks old though. Do you ever have any problems with fem seeds going hermie outside? I know ppl say stress can sometimes cause hermies with fem seeds, so I was thinking maybe the stresses of being outside with the wind, weather, temp shifts, etc might cause some hermies with the feminized seeds.


Well-Known Member
ive never had a hermie from a feminized seed myself. but to be honest ive only limited expirience with femmed seeds ive just got into them and to be honest i still prefer reg seeds if i was to pick a mother. something about most femed seeds makes me think i get better plants out of regular seed. but like i said there are alot of others on here with more expierience with them than me. i usualy grow clones outdoors chosen from regular stock. this year was a little differant. at 6 weeks they are about the point where they will show even the late ones. even under 24 hours youll get preflowers.


Well-Known Member
yea moms been saying she would grow a couple for years. its all talk though she is going on 60 and only smokes a few times a year. she knows she has a son to take care of those small needs. her wine intake however is quite big. this isnt cali or france but we have the third best wineries in the world around here in the finger lakes area. and believe it or not some good ganja to.