My Really Cheap Odor Control System


Active Member
I like to grow one or two plants at a time. The first time I got some real stinky stuff. Towards the end, the smell was keeping me awake, it was like the girls were crying because they were so sexually frustrated. I finally just cut 'em down because I was tired of the stink. The second grow I used this stuff: It is a sheet of charcoal filter. When the smell started getting bad, I cut a few strips and hung them near the fans. No smell! Matter of fact, I got scared because I thought there was something wrong with the plants. I removed the charcoal strips and VIOLA! the odor was back. I hung the strips back up and every thing went just fine until that fateful day when I cut them down. I'm thinking I should buy out the inventory and sell them for ten times the amount I paid.


Well-Known Member
that is pretty awesome. If I didn't just get gifted a ultra light weight carbon filter I'd definitely be doing this right now.


Well-Known Member
You can probably get the product or a similar one at an aquarium. And you simply hung it up in front of fans. What about cutting a piece to six inches round and putting it over the end of the exhaust duct.