My reservoir STINKS


Active Member
I have two reservoirs. I just mixed a fresh batch of nutes a few days ago and one of the two STINKS !! Smells like something is fermenting. I'm running constant air with a small air stone.

Is this bad? Should I dump it and mix a fresh batch? Where did this come from? I started with two clean reservoirs.....


Well-Known Member
and your going to have to start over with 2 more clean res's bc you got root rot or the like.

Gonna guess your water temp is about 80 . Go for 68 F.


Active Member
I've added two supplements from Advanced. I wonder if this has something to do with it....

I added carbo load and bid bud.

I'm going to flush today and start with a fresh reservoir.

I'll let you know what happens....


Well-Known Member
I'd say the Carbo Load is what's causing you problems. Basically, it's just sugar, and bacteria loves sugar. What you're probably smelling is bacteria. That's why I always recommend not using anything other than the basic micro/macro nutrients in hydro.

Dump your rez, clean it with a solution of H202 or bleach, then refill it with fresh water and nutes and see what happens. If in a couple of days your rez doesn't smell, you'll know the carbo load was the problem.


Active Member
Thank you, Mr. PSI...

I agree. I've dumped my nutes (Sad because it's $$), flushed my plants, washed my reservoirs with a mild bleach solution, and working on a new solution now.

I thought sugar was recommended during flowering in soil &/or hydro.

Should I try a different product? Apply it differently??? How about sucant?

Does sugar need to be in the res all week or can I add it towards the end before I flush. That way they get their sugar fix, but not a bacteria build up...

Sorry for all the ??? too much coffee this morning.


Well-Known Member
get hygrozyme and you can use all the sugary stuff you want, he right bacteria just love sweets, you need hygrozyme or a similar product that eats up bacteria, H2O2 is very high maintanence, you should use h2o2 to wash the rez, wear gloves tho it will turn you white


Well-Known Member
don't use h2o2 and hygrozyme in combo. Depends on your nutes which ones you can use.

organic hydro=hygrozyme 5-10 ml/gal and only add once after flushing.

chemical nutes=h2o2 3-5ml/gal addback every 3 days

don't put sugar in your reservoir. Eat it.

buy hygrozyme


I have two reservoirs. I just mixed a fresh batch of nutes a few days ago and one of the two STINKS !! Smells like something is fermenting. I'm running constant air with a small air stone.

Is this bad? Should I dump it and mix a fresh batch? Where did this come from? I started with two clean reservoirs.....

your res should smell like a clean fish tank with a hint of nutes, anything smelling bad is root rot forming or something worse


Active Member
the carbo load probly was ur problem but instead of adding what u did maybe only add half
yea man i had the sam problem a week or so ago i put the BIG BUD powder in with som flove bloom nutes and that shit smelt horriable for about 2 days and then i dilutted the res smell went away im positive its the big bud


Well-Known Member
I cant imagine that the carbo was the problem, but it probably did accelerated it. I have never used sugar or carbs. anyone had good results?


Well-Known Member
Thank you, Mr. PSI...

I agree. I've dumped my nutes (Sad because it's $$), flushed my plants, washed my reservoirs with a mild bleach solution, and working on a new solution now.

I thought sugar was recommended during flowering in soil &/or hydro.

Should I try a different product? Apply it differently??? How about sucant?
Hey, I know, no one wants to waste money but you'd be wasting a lot more if you left it the way it was and ended up killing your plants!

Some people recommend molasses or products like carbo load during flowering to fatten buds, etc. Personally, I don't buy it, but I'd say it probably doesn't cause much harm in low doses and in SOIL. But in hydro or even soilless I would never recommend it. As I said before, sugar is food for bacteria, and that CAN be a good thing if you're growing in organic soil in which case the plants depend on a healthy population of soil bacteria to break down organic materials to nutrients the plants can use. But in hydro, or even soilless growing, sugar will only cause problems. It's redundant when using chemical nutes anyway as the nutes are already in a form thats readily available to the plant.

Does sugar need to be in the res all week or can I add it towards the end before I flush. That way they get their sugar fix, but not a bacteria build up...
That's just it, plants don't need a "sugar fix". Plants make sugars by combining CO2 and H2O through photosysthesis.

Here's the chemistry if you're interested:

CO2 + 2 H2O + photons → (CH2O)n + H2O + O2
carbon dioxide + water + light energy → carbohydrate (sugar) + oxygen + water

A lot of products on the market are gimmicky and are designed to make money more than they are designed to actually help. Do yourself a favor and ditch the carbo load and any other "additives" for that matter, as they rarely help and most often hinder. Stick to a simple 2 or 3 part nutrient, plus a dash of H2O2 from time to time to keep the rez clean and I bet you'll have a lot less problems. Chaulk up the money wasted as a learning experience, use it in a future organic grow, or use it outside on your garden plants (if you have any!).

It simply comes down to this. Plants have four simple needs; Water, light, air (O2 + CO2), and micro/macro nutrients. That's it, anything else is typically a waste of money.

Hope that helped you out and best of luck with your grow.


Active Member

Thank you for the reply and hydro lesson. It's easy to get overwhelmed by reading the wealth of information on the forum and talking with Mr Hydro Store.

I've simplified my nute solution and upgraded my grow using hydroton and an ebb&flo table. I like the results, but it has been a new learning curve.

Currently I'm using the following nutrients with RO water. I'll list them in priority.
1. ProTek
2. CalMag
3. DynaGro Bloom

I've been experimenting with Carbo Load, Big Bud, Bud Blood, and Tiger Bloom. (maybe mixing Tiger Bloom with a full dose of Carbo Load was a bad idea...)

I'm still trying to understand the idea behind enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and fungi or are these not necessary in Hydro with chem ferts.


Well-Known Member
do yourself a favor. Stick to chemical nutes, which I believe the dyna series is. The GH 3 part is also a popular cheap "chemical" nutrient. When using these you will use h2o2 to control pathogens. Since you are going to be using h2o2, enzymes, and ANY bacteria will be of no consequence 2 u. I agree that carboload is a load of bull. I would also ask why you are using cal-mag. Everyone seems to use calmag these days, but they are not using botanicare nutrients which are very low in these two. Not sure, but likely you dont even need that.

good info psi


Active Member
I've been using calMag because I've been using RO water. The city tap water is very hard 450-500ppm with a PH 8.0.

How about using a product to boost PK values during flowering???


Well-Known Member
oh ok.

I have heard boosting P in flowering is one of the most valuable uses of additives. There is a thread going on right now by "uncle ben" that contradicts that theory. He seems to think people are trying to use a ridiculous amounts of the stuff thou.

I am totally with PSI on this one. I have never noticed much of a difference using a ton of additives. They usually just throw off my ppm readings and cause problems.


Well-Known Member
Thank you for the reply and hydro lesson. It's easy to get overwhelmed by reading the wealth of information on the forum and talking with Mr Hydro Store.
I hear ya, and you're very welcome. You must keep in mind that the guy at the hydro store is there to make money. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're all crooks or anything, just be weary and do some research before you buy.

I'm still trying to understand the idea behind enzymes, beneficial bacteria, and fungi or are these not necessary in Hydro with chem ferts.
The short answer is, No, they aren't necessary.

Enzymes can be helpfull as they "eat" dead and decaying roots, etc. that cause root rot and other diseases. However, enzymes are a band-aid fix for an underlying problem. As the saying goes, "An oz. of prevention is worth a lb. of cure". In this case, preventing root rot by keeping a clean rez at the proper temperature (65-68*F) will negate the use of hydrozyme. But it can be usefull stuff to have around in case things do go wrong, which happens to the best of us from time to time.

Beneficial bacteria are great and are actually required when growing in an organic medium as they break down organic materials to the basic nutrients that the plant can use. But when using chemical fertilizers in hydro, it is superfluous as the plants already have the nutrients they need.

Beneficial fungi is where the line gets a little more fuzzy (no pun intended). Fungi like mycorrhize for example, is a naturally occurring fungus that becomes an extension of the plants roots. It’s a symbiotic relationship where the fungi pull water and nutrient from the soil for the plant while feeding off the plant’s sugars. There are two reasons why I wouldn't add it to my rez. 1) They are naturally occuring, the spores are everywhere, so you'll get some benefit from them anyway. 2) You're growing in hydro which is soilless so the roots have easy access to water and nutrients without the need to "pull" anything from soil.

Sorry about the long winded response, but I didn't just want to give you a simple "no" answer without explaining why. In short, if I were you, I'd hang onto the hydrozyme just in case you may need it, but I'd only use it when it was required, ie. dead roots, etc. You don't need beneficial bacteria unless you're growing organically, so ditch that. As for the fungi, I wouldn't use it myself, but you could certainly try it and see how it works for you. As for the other additives, I would ditch them as they're more likely to cause problems than they are to benefit.

Again... Good luck on your growing endeavors.


Active Member
Wow, that's a whole new perspective on Hydroponics I was looking for. I'll have to let this one soak in for the day....

Thank you for the long reply. It helps to understand the relationship between the different additives.

Seems like it should be easier in Hydro?

Mr PSI -- You didn't comment on using PK additives during flower. Whats your opinion? and what additives & nutes are you using?


Active Member
I have one more question....

I was planning to use a product call MOAB towards the end of flowering to boast PK values. Many companies produce similar products.

Are these additives beneficial to use during flowering?