My rig and should i replant?



My rig

My plant

My plant is 10 Days old, should i re-pot it?

And any recommendations on my rig, i cant do anything fancy as i am broke but any ideas?

The temp is usually 85 in the mornings so i open it and vent it out and it goes down to 70 and by night its 85 again so i just cycle venting it because i cant afford the noise of a fan.
The light is a 1350 Lm CFL bulb. the 1200 was a LOT cooler but this was brighter so i went for brightness over heat.


Active Member
ya id say put it into a bigger bucket so the roots are gonna have room to grow.
and the plant is gonna out grow what looks like that desk lamp.
if your tight for money id invest in some CFLs a couple with each spectrum for veg and flowering.


This is for personal use but i suppose i could sell a quarter for 20 or something to cover the expenses haha

How many bulbs should i put in there?

From what i know blue spec is for veg and red is for flowering. so ill buy one of each type.
seeing as they are spectrum specific, would they sell them in your average stores? or would i have to go to a garden shop or lighting store?

im thinking of getting those bulb adapters and hanging them from the roof of the grow-box rather then using my desk lamp.

would the temperature go up too much? it gets to 80 if i dont vent twice a day.


Active Member
i would think home depot if not ebay has them.
what kind of bulb is in there now?
i good rule to go by for flowering is ull get half of your wattage in grams.
so 100 watts is about 50 grams of herb. with a HPS light. so id get more the 1 flowering bulb.
you could do one for veg in that box and maybe 2 or 3 for flowering.
im just warning you because my first grow looked similar and i flowered with 2 cfls and got maybe an 1/8 it was disapointing


Active Member
yeah if you got a menards around or a lowes they sell both kelvins

you want a 6500k for veg they sell from 15 watts to 42watts and higher if you buy the adapters

and for flower they are 2700k and same wattage

the 40w 2700k are like $9.00 and the 42w 6500k are like $10.00 (those are actual watts not eqivalent watts)

and you need to get rid of the foil cause it creates hot spots and can burn the plant

you can get an emergency blanket from the camping department from walmart for $ 3.00 and works great

and i would give it about a week or so to transplant so you got good root system going


K got rid of the foil. got a little light adapter and hung it from the top of the box to about mid way down.

Im replanting now.

Whats the "general rule" for CFL lights?

If i get 2 20W at 2700k would that mean ill only get 20 grams?


Active Member
thats what i have heard but don't know how much truth is in that saying

there is alot of factors in how much you are going to yeild

like if you are going to top or fim or lst, lighting, and nutes and much more......


Ive read about LSTing. i was thinking about it but then i saw the ScrOG system.

could you do both?
tie the plant down then put up a net over the top of it?


Active Member
have never done either of them, i just top mine using Uncle Ben's topping technique

that way i can get for main colas and don't have to do all that work

just read up on it, there is a lot of info in this site


Active Member
well those are actually 26 watters 100 eqivalent watts

i don't know what kind of stores you got, but thats a bit pricey

i think you can get a three pack for like $ 8.00


Active Member
ya that looks fine.
the rule is just a guidline,hes right alot more goes into it but if its a first grow dont expect more than half the grams per watt.
i think its easyier to transplant when there younger so you dont cut into roots.
and i wouldnt go crazy with lst or scrog somtimes you can do do more harm than good.
topping should work just fine tho.


Oh i see *facepalm*

more bulbs rather then bigger bulbs?

means i also have to get the little sockets to screw the lights in and a multiplug for electricity, starting to sound a little bulky for the grow box?

I could hook all the lights up to one cable, but im not sure i can say that would be safe

yeah, topping looks like the better option. easier and wow. haha im getting my hopes up about yields looking at the pics :P


Well-Known Member
Read my Goin Loco Journal (sig link) I got an oz and a half (dry) with 97 watts of light, off one plant (only 21 inches tall) you'll see how I did it