My role as a Junior Mod. Nice to meet you all.

No idea where to go to report this but there is a user called Hastings7elb who has posted about 8 times and every single one throws up a malicious warning from my antivirus. and only the pages he's posted his weird posts.
something definitely wrong
are you on instagram? weird question unless you are, in which case hello again :P

lol, i've been asked that a few times and no. i don't even have an account. i use flickr to host my photos and youtube for vids. but hello anyway :) :joint:

No idea where to go to report this but there is a user called Hastings7elb who has posted about 8 times and every single one throws up a malicious warning from my antivirus. and only the pages he's posted his weird posts.
something definitely wrong

thanks, i've brought it to the attention of the higher-ups, hopefully have an answer for you soon :)
Hey... looks like you've been on here a while. i am in need of some assistance. How in the hell do I start/post my journal.. I see no options and I'm getting frustated. lol
totally new here, just trying to figure some things out. you're help and any info would be much appreciated. ;] thanx
$Ⓟ#¥N✘;9183577 said:
Hey... looks like you've been on here a while. i am in need of some assistance. How in the hell do I start/post my journal.. I see no options and I'm getting frustated. lol
totally new here, just trying to figure some things out. you're help and any info would be much appreciated. ;] thanx
you havent been a member long enough some things are locked until you become more of an active member however you can create a grow journal thread
by going here
and clicking +POST NEW THREAD
View attachment 2691232
MK! Bushybush here! You up for some random "Repbombing" again?..............I've missed you fuckers.
Hi kitty, you must come and say hello in the uk growers thread, a friendlier bunch you are unlikely to find :)
friendly bunch on RIU?? I gotta check this out! kidding....
Congrats Mello, look forward to seeing you around
hi cld you please increase the likes on my journal to 7,000 or 8,000 and increase the views count to about 60,000 thanks in advance lgc
just wondering since the new site is up is there thread tools like it used to be. I wanna set it up to where I can read the most posts per page again