My rubbermaid carbon filtered grow box

Aight here are the pics of the box with the lights now in. I spraypainted the box black and apprently that didn't do anything lol it looks like I missed huge spots with the lights on but lights off it looks perfect. I only had one can to split on the two of them so maybe thats why. Oh well I still have about a half a box of like 32 gallon contractor bags that make light proofing easy. I'm going to pick up some spray adhesive sometime before the end of the week and but peices to fit on the box. Here are the pics with all 12 lights on.


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looking fucken good man you should get some house paint and paint it works ten times better
Ya I'll have to do that. It won't be till later on in the grow though. I've spent all the money I can right now on it lol. I'll just buy another container like it and one night during 12/12 I'll swap the containers out before the light goes out and just give it that extra dark time that night. I'll paint let air dry with a fan or something and put it back in there the next morning.
Ya I'll have to do that. It won't be till later on in the grow though. I've spent all the money I can right now on it lol. I'll just buy another container like it and one night during 12/12 I'll swap the containers out before the light goes out and just give it that extra dark time that night. I'll paint let air dry with a fan or something and put it back in there the next morning.

Bro those 12 lights are going to cause a shitload of unecesary heat. Those two big cfls on top are all you need. 1-3 23 watters max on bottom for under light will help but anything over then that is just overkill. I promise you. I have tried and I dont have any differences in yield between my 4 42 watters and 8 42 watters. The excess heat just messes em up.

how much u pulling each plant and how long do you veg for??

Anywhere from 1/2 oz to 1 1/2 oz(biggest) but 90% of time its around 3/4-1 oz. How long I veg for depends on strain. For sativa dominant strains I go till about 6" cuz they stretch 3-4x when flower. For indicas like these ones I flowerd at 10-12". I usually veg for 1-1 1/2 months. I dont like my plants to be bigger then 2 ft. Any taller then that and it just produces airy and worthless buds on the bottom that just sap energy from top cola.

You can veg for 1 to 1 1/2 months with two boxes stacked? I don't see how you would have room for that. I don't have anymore space for another box to fit for space. I know when it starts getting hotter I will have a problem with the heat and what not, but right now its freezing outside and this is in the attic, before I added the two big lights the temp was around 68F. Thats a little to cold for my liking before the seedlings come up. When they come up I'm going to have to do a little modifying with the lights and I was planning on takin some of those side lights off and just running with the 2 top lights. Although I don't like the 6500K for flowering I might have to get two 42w 2700k with a splitter hanging. With either 2 23w on each side or the 4 14w on each side. What do you think.
made a dwc out of an old fishing bucket an aerator pump and perlite
for my tomatoes tho
pics come tommorow on my grow journal
Hell ya sounds good. I'm going to be taking some of the lights out of the box sexologist was right made too much heat even for the inline fan to handle. I checked temps when I got home today and was close to 95F I went ahead and shut the two big hanging lights off for now to regulate the temps a little bit better. I'll figure something out lol. Still waiting on seeds to break soil. I have the lights running 24/7 right now so they will pop without the lights on it will be too cold for seed germination. I'll post pics as soon as I get a seedling.
UPDATE. This morning when I went to check the box still nothing lol......... But right before I did a light watering I moved the soil around and found the GWS and the Gigabud will be sprouting by the time I get off work tonight. They are coming out of the peat moss plugs and still have to get through the small top layer of soil. I'm excited can't wait for my first two girls. I checked both the haze pots nothing still........ The seeds did take another day to germ so thats probably why. I'll update again when I get off work if I have sprouts.
UPDATE: When I got off of work I went up to the attic to check my box. The lights had just came back on at 6 I got up there around 8:45. I opened the box to find not one seedling up but three. The gigabud, white shark, and one of the haze seeds all popped up. The only one with its leaves fully open is the gigabud though. The white shark and haze are still leaning over. They should be opened up by the morning. Since I'm only waiting on one seed to pop up now. Veg countdown will start tommorrow. I will be turning the lights back next saturday to 12/12 to give all the seedlings atleast a full week of 18/6. I'm so excited now lol I know I'll be going up there alot more now. Shit I was just expecting to see one seedling poking out. Having three made my night EVEN better lol. Well I'm off till tommorrow.

This morning I went to check the box after I woke up. All three sprouts are opened up and all are nice and GREEN. After getting tired of fucking with the hanging lights I just took them down. I also swapped out all the 14w bulbs. I figured I need new bulbs in my house lol. I left the splitters in there but only have 4 bulbs running right now. I turned the splitters so that they up and down and put bulbs in the bottom socket so that they are angled right into the pot right over the seedling. I put two 27w 6500k in there and have two 23w 3000k. I think when I get off of work tonight I'll go pick up two more 27w's and two more 23w's. I'll run all the 27's until friday and then switch to all 23w's. When the plants start getting taller I plan on screwing the y splitters all the way in to make them horizontal for more light. Also figuring out how I could install the big 85w 3000k into the side of the box so it sits horizontal. I'll try and get my computer up in the attic sometime this week........... but the likely hood of that is pretty slim. I would rether not risk dropping my computer 8ft to get shots of the box in the attic lol. Anyways peace guys.

This morning I went to check the box after I woke up. All three sprouts are opened up and all are nice and GREEN. After getting tired of fucking with the hanging lights I just took them down. I also swapped out all the 14w bulbs. I figured I need new bulbs in my house lol. I left the splitters in there but only have 4 bulbs running right now. I turned the splitters so that they up and down and put bulbs in the bottom socket so that they are angled right into the pot right over the seedling. I put two 27w 6500k in there and have two 23w 3000k. I think when I get off of work tonight I'll go pick up two more 27w's and two more 23w's. I'll run all the 27's until friday and then switch to all 23w's. When the plants start getting taller I plan on screwing the y splitters all the way in to make them horizontal for more light. Also figuring out how I could install the big 85w 3000k into the side of the box so it sits horizontal. I'll try and get my computer up in the attic sometime this week........... but the likely hood of that is pretty slim. I would rether not risk dropping my computer 8ft to get shots of the box in the attic lol. Anyways peace guys.

Sup bro, Glad your girls popped there pretty lil heads out. Just make sure you keep those roots nice and moist. Seedling stage is the only time you want to keep em moist 100% time. Dont drown em but dont let em dry out either. Also for veg 4 2x watt 6500 and 1-2 2x watt 3000k bulbs will be perfect. Thats plenty for veg. As for flower, dont hang that bulb horizontaly your wasting 50% of the light when you do that. Hang it vertical so that your plants grow around it. CFL's put off light in 360 degrees and they are perfect for these types of grows where you have a bunch of plants in a small area. When your girls grow up around it you will not only have fat top colas you will have fat nugs all the way down the main stem. I promise you it will do you right. I wouldn't be telling you this if I didnt know 100% it would help. They need to be surrounded in light and thats the best way to do it. Those two big cfl's you have should work. However I wouldn't use a big 65000k bulb. A couple 2x watt 65000k would be fine for supplimental lighting but if you use a big 6500k bulb then the plants on that side fo the box are going to be getting mostly blue light and they need around 80% red light (2500-3500k) to properly flower. So I would either A. get 4 42 watt 3000k bulbs and set it up like I showed you, or B. get another big 3000k bulb and hang both of those vertical from top.

Pce and gluck.
Ya I wasn't even going to mess with the 6500k bulb I need it for my chili plant in the walkway closet. So hang the big 3000k? Its just so much of a hassle taking that top off with it on. Especially when the top of the box and the roof is like about 2 inches apart in some parts. But I am thinking that I just might keep 4 23w 3000k and hang the 85w 3000k in the middle. I might swap 2 of the 23w for 42w bulbs but I'll see how things go. Summer is gearing up fast I might just have to work with this till next fall. I'm also getting two pretty nice pc fans to replace my big fan. It makes WAY to much noise you can hear it from about anywhere infront of the house. You have to accutally listen for it but I can hear it. And I made a homemade carbon filter followed WolfManZen's instructions. He's pretty good with stealth stuff. I might use two exhaust fans and one intake fan, with one of those clip on fans from walmart blowing around fresh air. I'll have to make another carbon filter for the other exhaust but they will be virtually silent and especially with the filter on it. Thanks for all the support ologist. I'm not used to using cfls. I've done a couple with hid so I've gotten pretty used to it.

March 8 lights are about turn off ending the second day from sprouting. I noticed some new growth on the small leaves. Still really green no stretching. The second haze seed still hasn't sprouted. I checked the plug and its just a late starter. It should sprout on the 3rd day. I'll check when the lights turn back on and update again when I get off work tonight.

I might use two exhaust fans and one intake fan, with one of those clip on fans from walmart blowing around fresh ai

You need more intake then you do exaust. If you have two exausts and 1 intake you can create negative pressure.

Np man, I hope your grow goes great. As for your big 3000k bulb(s) Why dont you get some sheet metal and rivets or something and make a lil DIY frame/brace for those lights and attatch em to the rubbermaid so they are firmly in place and not dangling loose. Just a thought.

So then I'll have two intake's and one exhaust, with the small fan inside circulating air a little bit more. Ok ya that sounds like an idea down the road a lil bit. I'm not to good with that stuff also. It would only be the one bulb too. Is there a thread on this?

The box? Got to walmart get two rubbermaid boxes (or three if you don't have height restraints like me. If you are using two then just put the bottom box right side up and the top box to sit on top of it upside down. The for the lights I used two power strips that I wasn't using in my house and got those little plug in light sockets at home depot for like 3.08 each. Picked up some y splitters at walmart and then got the lights from home depot. I already had the fan and carbon filter from previous grows, so I am just using it right now until my three pcs get here. The big fan is pretty loud you can faintly hear it just about anywhere in front of the house. And thats outside the house.

Tonight is the start of day 3 for the seedlings. I noticed deff new growth on all seedlings from time lights went off (as soon as I woke up I barely caught a peek) and then when I got home from work after the lights turned back on. In the morning I'll be watering them with some green fuse rooting stimulator no npk value. I'll be using this in the water till about the second week. As soon as all the seedlings have their third set of leaves established I will start with a low dose of grow nutes 5-2-5, probably two feedings of that then a couple straight waters probably some green fuse bloom stimulator no npk value. Then start with the bloom nutes 1-8-7. Package also came with a super plant tonic that I can say works wonders on my chili plants that I have going right now I will be giving probably starting 3rd or 4th week. But uhhh thats it for now.


Sorry guys still no camera probably have to wait a lil on that. I might just put my laptop in a back pack and carry it up there to snap some pics lol. Everything is going good. The second haze seed still hasn't sprouted which is bad news. Second set of leaves is starting on the gigabud shoul have little stumpies when I wake up in the morning. Temps at steady 80 F. I'm going to be doing a lil redesign when the fans get here. Hopefully they can maintain the temps a little better, also quiter thats why I'm getting them in the first place. But uhhhhh thats it for now. Maybe tomorrow when I get off work I'll tote the computer up there to get some pics till then........


This morning is the end of the 4th day. Everything still looking fantastic. First set of leaves is really setting in on the haze, and gigabud. Great White is portraying the indy side right now with her short stubby first leaves. Second Haze seeds still hasn't sprouted. Oh well to late now lol. If it does sprout I won't complain but I'm not gonna start another seed. Next run I'll be doing all 5 of my reg thai x super skunk, they are not fem so I'll be doing 2 haze seeds as well. Well hopefully tonight when I get off of work I feel like toting the computer into the attic to snap some picss I more than likely will so update tonight with pics. Till then smoke till you can't anymore.
