My second all CFL grow


Active Member
its been about 3 days since i watered and its still drooping! even more than before! are you guys sure it was over watered? maybe its still in shock, i did give it quite a bit of water. here's a picture of her. and here's my bad ass grow box that im almost done with!



Well-Known Member
The soil sure looks dry in that last photo. Perhaps try a little foliar feeding (spray the leaves) with some mild N nutes (as in N-P-K).


Active Member
The soil sure looks dry in that last photo. Perhaps try a little foliar feeding (spray the leaves) with some mild N nutes (as in N-P-K).

i just sprayed it with a little bit of water, and it somehow got even droopier than before! how is this possible?:confused:

so in the beginning it looked only slightly droopy, thinking it was under watered, so i watered it, and it got more droopy. So i posted on here and everyone said it was OVER watered. so i let it sit without watering it for a couple of days, and it gets even more droopy! im about ready to through it out the window! Every time i look at her, i die a little on the inside..:cry:


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm...perhaps check the pH of the water and soil? And if your temps are still swinging badly, then find a way to stablize them.


Well-Known Member
Likely, yes. I would look at your temps, then. I think if there's more than a 15 or 20 degree F difference between the day and night temps it might be causing stress and wilting. If you can keep it steady between 60 and 80 you should be good. I'm no expert, though.