My second CFL Grow- White Dwarf & purple bagseed


Well-Known Member
Flush your plants Mike flush them real real real real real real good lol. Also autoflowers don't like a lot of nutrients to begin with. Go organic they will love you for it.


Well-Known Member
i jus flushed her wit a half gallon of distilled deer park...should i use more???

she's in organic MG soil...all my other babies are in a mix of MG organic,Scotts or MG moisture control,n a shit load of perlite.


Active Member
If you can, try Fox Farms Ocean Forest Soil. I ran into probs with MG my first few plants. Had nute burn on a few, transplanted them outside to 3 gallon pots and they loved me for it. Growth has been crazy.


Well-Known Member
True that. I was using my own mix of topsoil, organic compost and perlite. Ran into really really really bad ph problems. I said fuck it and bought some Roots Organics (has everything fox farm ocean forest has but more airy which is what I wanted) I have since bought two more bags. I love it and won't ever switch. Good soil and nutes will reward you in the end.


Well-Known Member
my baby is doing great..all her new growth is very green and its leaves are reaching for the light again!!!:hump::hump::hump:

yes im excited as fuck!! i thought i lost it!!

the seedlings are doing good also, i think the smaller ones have root lock due 2 a late transplant where i damaged some of the roots..

here are some pix..the WD is @ the left bottom corner in the pic wit da 4 bigger ones..

lemme kno wut u thinkl



Well-Known Member
Looks good bro. Personally I would trash that thai super skunk. I've heard some pretty bad things about them. Freaking PITIFUL SEEDS. I read through a journal where dude had a 600w hps and did these seeds for shits and giggles and took him 14-15 weeks flowering to barely get an oz per plant. They are mainly outdoor seeds, I've seen them outside and its like a completely different plant lol. I am doing the free G13 gigabud but I tossed the thai super skunk lol. Its up to you really just putting in my .2c


Well-Known Member
everything is lookin great!!not a single thing 2 complain about!

i keep telling my bro about all the bullshit i keep hearing about the Thai S.S. but he wants 2 keep trying.Hes gonna need his own grow tent cuz i hear that SOB gets huge!!

does anybody kno when i should start LSTing my bigger plant??



Well-Known Member
Nice work man, they are definitely looking good. Thanx for stopping by my grow. Im very satisfied on how well these W.D are. I think for my next I want to try the R.D "red dwarf" strain next. they seem to be very resilient and adapt well to any real conditions.


Well-Known Member
i need to upload some pics of my white dwarfs for you. i got a 400w hps light so they are under it now. they are with 2 other plants that are flowering so they are on a 12/12 light schedule. are your showing sex yet..? mine did at 23 days.. i think im like 37 days into their life so far and they are producing some good looking buds!! getting kinda big now too.. almost a foot and a half.. anyways, ill try and get some pics up tonight when the lights come on..


Well-Known Member
kinda stoned so ill figure out wut day it is in a lil while lls...but here are some new pix!!

i started 2 LST my big purp strain and also my WD..

im patiently waiting on the WD to show hopeing for the best...

all of my babies are looking great!! very green..very full but i need 2 mget them out of those cups already..i got roots shooting outta the bottoms already...theyve only been in their new homes for about a week or so..these things are growin soooo mom thinks i swapped em wit some older plants lol..shes gettin all noided because we live in an apartment lol..but hey, if i get caught imma try my best to claim medical needs..i have dystonia and if you guys look it up ull find out that its related 2 parkinsons so if i were in cali i would be cleared.

welp, heres the pix!!



Well-Known Member
day 45 update!!!

i threw out 2 males so was my big purp strain (LST'd one) and one was a dank BS

i put em on 12/12 for about 2 weeks so they would show sex..a couple busted pistills so im re-veggin for another two before go 12/12 to the end..i want them 2 get a lil bit bushier so i can pick a mom!!

now i have 4/7 females..WD is doing great!! my friend is comein ova with some BC grow n bloom nutes for me later since i cant afford my own..hopefully ill have some more females in a few days


Well-Known Member
welp, i jus spent about an hour picking balls off my fuckin hermy bitch!!!
im so pissed about that,she smells soooo good...i dont wanna let her go but imma give her a couple more weeks til i decide wut 2 do with a way i wanna keep her for da feminized seeds but i dont kno where i can keep here so she doesnt pollinate my other bitches...

pix will be up in a couple days, my fones cam isnt good enuff for the ladies anymore...

oh yeah,my WD is beastingggggggggggggggggggg soooo many pistols


Active Member
welp, i jus spent about an hour picking balls off my fuckin hermy bitch!!!
im so pissed about that,she smells soooo good...i dont wanna let her go but imma give her a couple more weeks til i decide wut 2 do with a way i wanna keep her for da feminized seeds but i dont kno where i can keep here so she doesnt pollinate my other bitches...
I have read that hermy plants produce hermy seeds. I.E. a never ending line of hermy plants.


Well-Known Member
hey there, those are looking great. i'm going with a soil grow and bought some organic MG soil and lime to add, so was thinking of trying that for some fem brainstorm seeds. I just ordered some ff ocean forest soil so now i'm conflicted again. someone said ff ocean forest is hot. any idea what you do about soil being hot? yours look good, i'll be checking them out.


Well-Known Member
i have no idea about hot soil lol..i can barely control da temps in my tent lol...

well i jus realized im @ 60days now that i removed the hermy and a couple males..the thai Super skunk is flowering along with one of the Purp strains..the other 3 are still vegging...imma flower em when the WD is done..i know i keep promising pix but by they time i get back on here they are old lol


Well-Known Member
well i chopped half of my WD yesterday..i started 2 notice resin production had come 2 a hault on the top colas so i chopped em lol..might have been 2 early but oh well