My Second Try Growing any tips


Active Member
Ok so this is my second grow... I spent a ridiculous amount of money buying a stealth hydroponics kit when I could have made it myself for 3x less... Stupid me... Well you live and you learn then u grow again so... Here's my second try still using my wack ass stealth hydro system slightly modified though.I am growing some Sativa bud from some seeds I got from some good bud. I grew great last time it looked great, just low yields. So I grew 2 plants last time and I only got about 3 Oz off of them...No not 3 off of each but just 3... yeah I know I suck but I'm back with avengence and I want to get more yield so I need anyone's help who's willing to offer it. The main question I have are these
1. What is the best Hydro Nutes to use?

I've been using the ones that come with the stealth hydro kit but I wanted to switch before flowering and throw in some bud blood also.

2. My plants heights are 15in, 7in, 7in 6in, and 5in. I want to know if I should flower the tallest four in about a week?

I fimmed the 15in plant and it has 10 new tops at the top of the plant

3. How much do u think I will yield, Should I let them get bigger or are they ready to go?

I have a 400 watt hps and a CFL mounted to the wall also I have lined the entire closet with alluminum foil(dull side)

4.How do i get more yield? Is it plant size or light or what please help?

I have included pics of my plants please feel free to help,comment, whatever I just need some experienced help from someone who's gotten good yields



Active Member
1. What is the best Hydro Nutes to use?

I've been using the ones that come with the stealth hydro kit but I wanted to switch before flowering and throw in some bud blood also.
Sorry man, I don't do Hydro, but FoxFarm is good, order here: or a local store if you got one (lucky)

2. My plants heights are 15in, 7in, 7in 6in, and 5in. I want to know if I should flower the tallest four in about a week?

I fimmed the 15in plant and it has 10 new tops at the top of the plant
By 10 new tops, new branches or new stalks?

3. How much do u think I will yield, Should I let them get bigger or are they ready to go?

I have a 400 watt hps and a CFL mounted to the wall also I have lined the entire closet with alluminum foil(dull side)
Dont est. yield man, just find out when ya do it. Personally I don't even own a scale, I just go with the flow and take what I get and don't try to make it a science, it's nature baby ;)

4.How do i get more yield? Is it plant size or light or what please help?
You should top them, and get more colas.


Active Member
looks like you've got some algea on your rockwool. don't be too put out about the $, i spent more than a sh kit woulda cost building my own elaborate setup like an idiot and then turned around and then spent some more to simplify it...


Active Member
looks like you've got some algea on your rockwool. don't be too put out about the $, i spent more than a sh kit woulda cost building my own elaborate setup like an idiot and then turned around and then spent some more to simplify it...
You had one more post then me, so I had to even it up xP


Active Member
It seems you dont have your hydroponics set up as an actual hydro system. It looks like you have plants just sitting in a tub full of water that you are changing every once in awhile.

I can give you some very cheap and good ideas.

OK for one, dump all the water out and clean your blue tub.

Let your plants sit there with no water for 2 hours. 1 of those hours with light and one hour without light.

Fill it back up with water, it seems your plants are healthy but there getting to much water. So I think you have the nute thing down for now.

Go to your local wal-mart or whatever and buy a fishtank air pump with an air stone on the end and put that in the bottom of your tub so your roots can get oxygen without having to take water out.

Then see how this helps your plants and if you have any more problems just start a thread or repost in this one :)



Active Member
Well it doesn't look under nuted or over-nuted from what I can see in the pictures. But it does look like there either getting to much water or not enough oxygen.

You should by some carbonated water and spray it on your plants, also I read this study where adding carb-water to the roots itself will make it gain much weight.


Active Member
I just switched to tha air curtain because I dont think they were getting enough air anyways so well see over tha next few days whether that works or not