My seedling is dieing?


Active Member
Plant is a month old. Grown from bad seed, which were about 2 years old.

I overwatered it about a week ago but since then it has dried out and Ive been watering more carefully with a spraybottle.

I dont use any nutes and its under 24/7 cfl lights

Also the stem is very weak,

Sorry for the big/blurry photos, camera is suckish.



Well-Known Member
what type of soil? Does the soil have nutes in it?? If the soil has nutes and the plant is a month old it may be a nutrient deficiency. Also, a spray bottle wont allow enough water to reach the underlying soil. Make sure those cups have drainage holes and water about every 3rd day until some water starts to come out of the drainage holes.


Active Member
Im not sure if thesoil does have nutes in it..I used dirt from another plant i got from a friend.
But can my seedling be saved?


Well-Known Member
thats bad nute burn, must be a rich medium, best off starting in peat ,nuetrral potting mix etc wont burn ,and u control the feeding. To cut a long story short its fucked, start again.

Brick Top

New Member
thats bad nute burn, must be a rich medium, best off starting in peat ,nuetrral potting mix etc wont burn ,and u control the feeding. To cut a long story short its fucked, start again.
Normally peat moss has a pH or around 4.5. That is very acidic and not something to start plants out in.

If he over-watered, and did it more than once, allowed the soil to stay wet for a while, or just overly damp, that could be the cause of his problems over-watering will cause a nitrogen lockout problem, in younger plants due to soggy soil. The roots are unable to take in what the plant needs.

The plants look more like they are suffering from a deficiency, or deficiencies, than nute burn.

Let the soil dry well, make sure there is adequate drainage, purchase some quality vegetative growth stage fertilizer and feed at 1/4 strength a time or two and then slowly increase the ratio until at a full mix ratio, unless you are growing a light feeding strain .. then stay around 1/4 strength ratio.

That plant is not past saving.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
If it was me I'd fill a pot with water to where the level of water comes about 1/2" above the soil in the cup, 65-69 degrees F. Place the cup in the pot and wait for the water to reach the surface of the soil of the cup, remove to drain. This will exchange the air in the cup daily and flush out any contaminants. Take care the water in the pot doesn't go over the rim of your plantpot. If you are sure there aren't any excess ferts add 1/6 ferts to your water and use a bubbler to airate. Ph 6.5 to 7. Resume normal watering after the plant starts to respond properly.


New Member
I am thinking you have SHIT soil... Do something about your soil... It also looks like your plant is not worth keeping going.. I would kill it and start over... You said the seed is 2 years old... Wow I would have not even bothered germinating it...

Brick Top

New Member
I would kill it and start over...

There is no reason to do that. I have seen plants in far worse condition at that size that came back to be healthy vibrant growing well producing plants. He just needs to discover his error or errors and correct it or them.

You said the seed is 2 years old... Wow I would have not even bothered germinating it...

Back in the 60's and 70's when about 90% of pot was seedy pot, when I bought a bag that was exceptional I would keep the seeds to grow with. I literally had cigar boxes filled with various types of seeds.

Long after believing I had tossed them all to go with fresher stock I found one remaining cigar box with seeds from some of the first Hawaiian to hit my area. The germ rate was low but those that grew, grew as well as any seed from fresh stock I have ever had, and that includes modern day strains from highly skilled breeders who deal only in high quality genetics that were purchased through top rated seedbanks.