My seeds aren't germinating...Help?


Well-Known Member
got a whole new setup and was germinating them by paper towel but i was keeping them at too low temps and it was already 2 days in germinating.
2 out of 10 seeds already germinated so i put it in the setup.
1 of them is sprouting after 1 day.

So to "save" the seeds(if they even needed any saving),i put them in my reserve growkit cubes.
(lil'round cubes that puff up when u put them inwater and u add a powder to the water etc.).
I put the 8 seeds in the cubes and am hoping i will get results AND i am keeping them at room temps this time.(how stupid of me not too :( )
This hasnt happenned to me before so do u think the seeds will be ok and germinate fine now?
They werent showing any roots yet.

Also,the 2 seeds that germinated.1 of them is sprouting but one isn't.
Only been a day or 2.You can clearly see rapid growth on one of the sprouts but the other one is showing no signs of sprouting yet.

Ive done succeeded grows before but i just want too make sure from you guys if my other 8 seeds will still sprout and still do their goodness or not.


New Member
Its only been a day or two. Patience is a virtue.

Not that I have any.

I think you need to wait a bit longer. Some will sprout earlier than others.


Active Member
I use the water in a shot glass method and I've had 100% Germ. rate less then 12 hours , but give them time because some times they won't germ and other times you might think there dead and when you go to sleep ,then wake up the next day they have growen a good amount


Well-Known Member
Ah,thank you guys!
I can never trust myself when i get paranoid.
So everything will be fine.
the seeds are ,right now,comfortably tucked away in the grow cubes i got from nirvana at around 75-80F. Once they are 2 cm's,i will pot them,give them my CFL's and HPS and lot's of love!
I was pretty worried but i'm all good now.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
One of my recent Blueberry seeds was the LAST to sprout.... I even planted it before its shell had cracked as the other two seeds had cracked and grown a tap root.... I figured that one was a dud... but I planted it anyway. It sprouted 4 days after the first two... and then it's first leaves looked dead.... I let it go and treated it the same as the others.... wouldn't you know it.... it's now recovered and growing healthy.

Patience is a virtue in this game :peace: