My setup - Any problems?


Well-Known Member
Im currently running a Titan Atlas3 CO2 controller/monitor in my growroom, with a compressed CO2 tank.

The only fans I have running are some circulation fans in the room, and one duct fan for my aircooled reflectors to cool my lights. This leaves me at a comfortable 73 degrees temperature and about 55 percent humidity.

For smell, I am about to purchase a CAN100 filter and 8 inch duct fan to run inside the room just to scrub the air..

My question is, since my temps and humidity are fine, is there any need to run an exhaust fan? And if so, when? Does anybody see anything wrong with my setup?

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Active Member
Technically we can't even see your setup. lol Throwing some pics up would help.

From what you said though, it seems fine.


Well-Known Member
your not supposed to exhaust air with co2. "controlled" enviornment

unless you are talking about your inline fan cooling your lights? in that case i would keep it going unless your going to pull down your glass. raise your temps. 73 is kinda cool with co2. and my humidity always goes down with higher temps that will help you too


Well-Known Member
The inline fan cooling my lights is pulling air from outside of the room, and expelling it out the other side, so it is completely closed off from the room - its just flowing thru my aircooled reflectors, so its not affecting the air in the room at all.

Other than that, im only running circulation fans inside the room to move the air around.

Again, im seeing temps in the mid 70s (73-75), and humidity right around 50, which is nice. Almost perfect.

But my concern is weather or not I should be running any kind of exhaust from time to time? Again im planning on running a CAN100 with an 8 inch fan mounted on top blowing INSIDE the room, just to scrub the smell, but I've never done this before, so will this really control the smell well?