My Short,Stubby,Stunted,Shocked,Mutant "Headies" Bag Seed


Active Member
Looks very nice, smokey, you made that girl spread em! In a day or two when the side shoots are a lil taller you can pull them down too, just go for as even of a canopy as possible going into flower.


Active Member
GD Thanks man!! Thinking this last LST may increase yeild a gram or two!!! The way the middle of her looks with all the "shoots" if they stretch on out maybe they will be big popcorn nugs!!!

King Blunt thanks man yeah I was really stoned and worried that I may have stunted her inturn makeing her mutate!!! + REP back at ya!

Kawi Thanks man!! Yea she seems to be a lil whore (never had a virgin spread them that easy)ahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah the other two bigger "shoots" were stretched enough that she had an even canopy but I think they will stretch more and when the main branch starts growing vertical again hopefully they will be even again!!

PS I hate to ask this but what is a better name for the small/big "shoots" Branches? or something kool?? Hopefully something cool LMAO!!

Gandaddy and Kawi you know I will give ya'll rep again soon as it lets me!! Cause yall,Freebird, and millyy have been the only consistant ones keeping up with me. and I appreciate that!!


Edit: And if anyone can tell me how to reply to two or three or 10 post at once so I dont have to "Reply To Quote" for each person.... THANKS!


Well-Known Member
right on man. Its just real easy to help you because your plant is just barely behind mine and similar conditions so its easy to see where i went wrong and help.

feel free to stop by my grow again

oh and to reply to multiple people, its right next to reply with quote the apostrophes.

I had to ask on my thread too haha


Active Member
Not really sure what you're looking for to call the shoots/branches? I suppose tops, but thats more just for the actual tops haha. You may as well just pick something to call them and when someone questions you tell them it's always been that way. Might even get some other people to call them whatever it is too, that'd be kinda funny.


Active Member
lookin good smokey keep doin your thing bro
Thanks Lee!! Will be swinging by in a little bit to check out your grow!
right on man. Its just real easy to help you because your plant is just barely behind mine and similar conditions so its easy to see where i went wrong and help.

feel free to stop by my grow again

oh and to reply to multiple people, its right next to reply with quote the apostrophes.

I had to ask on my thread too haha
Thanks Grandaddy. She has already gone vertical again she is really doing some growing, throwing pistols everywhere and those popcorn nug sites were getting bigger and bigger by the hour it seemed. I guess it was because that was the first time they had direct "sunlight"?
I have been doing some lurking around your thread and some others that I'm sub'd to. Yes I will be trying to learn from (hate to say it this way but)your mistakes and from your victories!!
Not really sure what you're looking for to call the shoots/branches? I suppose tops, but thats more just for the actual tops haha. You may as well just pick something to call them and when someone questions you tell them it's always been that way. Might even get some other people to call them whatever it is too, that'd be kinda funny.
Lets go with Miny Tops!! (Spread the word)LOL


Well-Known Member
Ya man, stay on top of that LST. This is around the same time of your plant. I LSTed after the 2nd picture and it still was fine. I didn't tie down the cola though, just the lower branches more out to open middle like you.

This is same plant 1 weeks exactly apart.

dinner 006.jpg1.30 001.jpg


Active Member
can't wait till my girl looks like that she kinda did today not nearly as tall but the "Miny Tops" no lie grew 2 inches over night so they got tied down and "Main Top" she got tied down again today one node up from last tie down from earlier this week.
Oh and the main top loves training I grabbed her real gentle and pulled her down and had to let go to pick the string up and she just kinda stayed there and waited for me to wrap the string around her and duck tape it.

Day 43 13 of 12/12



Active Member
Dang she's filling out nicely, good work smokey!
Yes she is!! Thanks!! Rep when I can
looking nice once again man, loving the lst. Shes got a bunch of bud sites!
Thanks yes more than I expected!
lookin good smokey!!! that is some very nice LST work!!!! can't wait to see all those buds!!!!!!
Thank you I can't wait to see all those buds either juss wish they would look like your BB did!! Well hell looking at your other pics not nearly lucky enough!!
nice and level man, good job gonna be a nice Scrog looking LST
Thanks GD!!!! I think I may start doing LST and SCROG together once my tent gets here!! Is it too late to try and incorporate SCROG to this grow once the tent is erect and more lights are added?


Well-Known Member
Ohh yeah forgot about the site being down till after i posted that haha. I did the same as you, i saved the pics i took from yesterday and had to wait the "20 minutes" till site was back online to post.

Anyways looking healthy once again, lst job lookes like it's working out pretty well man nice!


Active Member
Ohh yeah forgot about the site being down till after i posted that haha. I did the same as you, i saved the pics i took from yesterday and had to wait the "20 minutes" till site was back online to post.

Anyways looking healthy once again, lst job lookes like it's working out pretty well man nice!
Yeah "20 minutes" for 3 hours I finally gave up!lol

Have you ever seen what is on the middle of those two leafs in pic 2? She got in one of the lights one morning before I looked at her and she burnt the tip of that one leaf and the light was right there on top of those two leafs but I didnt think it would look like that so I think it may be something else? But if its a lil brown tomorrow then there then It probably is the when the light was sitting on them???