My sis the fucking HERO.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
My sister was at work alone yesterday when they got robbed. 5 guys came, one held her around the neck while 4 dudes walked out with a bunch of kit (it's a special fx company so you can imagine, EXPENSIVE gear)... So her boss rocks up and the guys try to flee...

She first floored the guy that was holding her, literally. Apparently he couldn't walk himself into his cell she got him in the nuts that hard. That was after breaking his nose first, mind. THEN she ran after the rest of them, got hold of another guy, and knocked him out with a flat hand against the side of the head.

Apparently she would've gotten a third one if she didn't slip on the sidewalk. That now brings to 6 or 7 the number of dudes that tried to rob her that had the bejezuz kicked out of them. She once ran 2 blocks to catch up with a purse-snatcher, and thrashed him to within an inch of his life LOL.

Rough place to grow up, South Africa, but we'll be DAMNED if we can't take care of ourselves. Fuck the cops, they are USELESS. Anyhow, the two she beat up are so scared to go to court and face her again, they instantly ratted out their mates.

NICE ONE SIS. Kickin' ass as always. Proud of you you little soldier!


Active Member
Thats pretty legit.
A success story from south Africa.
Not like these epic fails:


Well-Known Member
Hell Yeah!! glad to hear it turned out alright, sad to hear of the circumstance though. I hope she got that hard enough in the nuts to keep him from breeding further filth into the world. I hope this only makes your sister tougher, although she might turn into a diamond if that chick gets tougher, LOL. She sounds like her job should come with danger pay. Have a great weekend brother. Maybe less exciting. Take er easy. Peace and Love.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Aaaaaaaarrrrgggghhh don't get me started on Die Antwoord... I was in college with that woman and her a-hole friends. All I can say is thank gods they are now in the states instead of here, and humbly apologize that they are now in the States instead of here. When I knew them she was just a little less trashy :/

Nonono, we've got some killer good music here


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hell Yeah!! glad to hear it turned out alright, sad to hear of the circumstance though. I hope she got that hard enough in the nuts to keep him from breeding further filth into the world. I hope this only makes your sister tougher, although she might turn into a diamond if that chick gets tougher, LOL. She sounds like her job should come with danger pay. Have a great weekend brother. Maybe less exciting. Take er easy. Peace and Love.
Thanks Myco, you always bring the class act bro :)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I wanna try to rob her just to see if she can catch me

so what if I'm into that shit:lol:
ROFL... Well I'd suggest you get FIT beforehand mate. The girl's got a mean right-hook... I was taunting the crap out of her when I was 13, she was 10, I was the first guy she floored, my first broken tooth too LOL