My snack this morning!!!


Active Member
Glad to hear a personal opinion. Its the last on on my list above.

To be honest, i just read the quick descriptions on the site and those were the ones that stuck out. The koh samoi ss especially. Would they be suitabe for a begginer mushroom cultivator??


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear a personal opinion. Its the last on on my list above.

To be honest, i just read the quick descriptions on the site and those were the ones that stuck out. The koh samoi ss especially. Would they be suitabe for a begginer mushroom cultivator??
Its my understanding a Cube is a Cube is a Cube except for Penis Envy, its a mutant that tends to be more potent. However any cube should preform the same. I done GT and Amazons this time and it was my very first grow ever and you see the results. I plan on doing KSS after my penis envy and Z strain finish colonizing and fruiting.


Well-Known Member
I grew the KS for my second mushroom grow the first grow I used homestead book company kit. I highly reccommend that kit to first timers that don't want to jump in with both feet and do it all yourself. Anyway, to some extent a cube is a cube, but there are differences, and the different strains will perform differently. Example, one of the strains I grew were burmas, and I had tons of problems with it, and after a couple months finally got one flush off it. I tried again, same results. Which was wierd considering my other strains were flushing like crazy on the other side of my fruiting chamber. The KS performed awesome, the first flush started with TONS of smaller mushrooms which were great, and each flush after grew less fruits, but they got larger each time. That tray flushed 4 times nicely and the last flush had alot less mushrooms but they were about 8-10x the size of the first flush.

The KS are absolutely one of my favorites, the blue meanies were great, the south americans I grew didn't yield as well, but had AWESOME visuals( my floor looked like paisley that night). Another strain I grew that I got the spores from friend was supposed to be call Ereal and be from russia. I've never found any info on these "ereal" mushrooms elsewhere so I don't know what they really were but they grew real well, and were great quality.


Active Member
That was my understanding as well. I know Ive had shrooms before that just wigged me right out, and others that enduced almost pure euphoric greatness. Withdrawn into myself vs. pure clarity. At least thats what I feel. Want a good spectrum of both, and also, I just LOVE growing!! Anything. Its beautiful and satisfying. Seeing beautiful pictures of fat flushes, different sizes, different strains. Some are truly magnificent.


Well-Known Member
Go buy that girl a nice steak for dinner and tell her its from me!
Funny you mention that, she only eats raw meat. Both my dogs are on a raw diet and eat about 1.5 lb of meat a day, Her favorite is ground beef. So I will treat her to a big ol steak today for dinner !


Well-Known Member
Funny you mention that, she only eats raw meat. Both my dogs are on a raw diet and eat about 1.5 lb of meat a day, Her favorite is ground beef. So I will treat her to a big ol steak today for dinner !
Oh wow! You know I heard ALOT regarding a raw diet, alot of good things regarding it. I mentioned it to my significant other and she was not having it. Have to keep momma happy! A happy wife is a happy life...however shes not my wife...yet...fuck my life LOL


Well-Known Member
Oh wow! You know I heard ALOT regarding a raw diet, alot of good things regarding it. I mentioned it to my significant other and she was not having it. Have to keep momma happy! A happy wife is a happy life...however shes not my wife...yet...fuck my life LOL
Haha all well ! Yeah my Boy has been on it for about 1 1/2 to 2 years and is doing great. My girl only about 5 months, I weaned her off of shelter kibble. They both get a raw egg once a week to keep there coat shinging and skin moist. My brother and his wife don't feed their dog raw all the time but give her chicken wings for treats and she loves them !

If you ever do give you dog meat make sure you never cook it ! When a chicken bone is cooked then I splinters inside them. If its raw it just crumbles right up like a dog biscuit.