My Snowcap Journal


yo iv got some snow cap going that im assuming to be legit, they came from a dispensary in chico but were pretty week. i kept them under floro for like 2 weeks and due to them being super stressed out from the dispensary, it had slow growth. just put it under a 400w and they took off. still look kinda funny though, ill post a picture, but do you notice their sorta odd looking compared to other strains? you said yours were a little stressed as well and seemed to have a similar look to mine


Well-Known Member
Get em outta them cups they should turn around for ya. There wanting to stretch them roots!


Right on, I had been keeping them in the cups to fill out the cup, the roots had barely broken the outer layer of dirt. They sucked up all the nutes in the soil. I moved them under a 400w and they started taking off, lost some of the weird look and lookin more like ganja again. I've been switching between the floro and 400w every 12 hours or so it doesnt stretch too much.


Well-Known Member
Well I say that because your losing valuable time for them plants to get root mass. Once they fill out or even start to notice that they can reach there roots down, foliage will double and the plants will start to thrive and be at its max potential. Right now they seem like they are just getting by. which is fine, but I would give em stress free veg for a few weeks regardless of size before flowering.

as for mine, They are starting to kick it up a bit, Reaching my max veg height soon and by next week these will be in flower.


Thats dope. I just transplanted to some 5 gallons, seem to like having fresh nutes. They still look sorta like maple leaves, but more like pot plants each day. I haven't decided whether im going to try fitting these outdoors before flowering. I only get about 6 or 7 hours direct light outside and really want these bastards to plump up, snow cap is my shit and would probably only be smoking myself so why not make it as dank as possible. The bigger of the two is looking good and should get pretty big. The smaller snowcap is starting to grow but is so goofy looking and only has one growth site so far, its just hard not to expect results over night. I'm a very patient person but its so tough to wait for plants to grow. Some on RIU put it well, its too bad you cant just throw the seeds in the dirt and wake up the next morning to start trimming.


Well-Known Member
102_4121.jpg102_4120.jpgsnow caps are doing good. They got big, went out of town for a week and I put the lights all the way up and they went stretching for it. So I will be fixing this by cloning some of the stretch off and let em re-stretch when they get flipped. One seemed to get light neglected because the others out grew him and covered em up so he will be staying in veg as the other three gets pushed to flower tomaro. Im not planning on nothing too big from these, small pots, flimsy stems due to the stretch, but I got good plans for the clones ima cut off.


Well-Known Member
I ended up taking 4 cuttings off the bigger three and putting em into flower, I left the smaller Snow cap behind to catch up on veg and get more cuttings later on. They are really smelly! Of course the smell is good, just real strong. Now its just the waiting game til they start to produce.


Those look awesome, I cant wait for mine to really get going. I've been cheap and utilizing the beautiful outdoor sun and leaving the lights off. Thus being said, they have a slower growth than I'd like to see (not the best direct sunlight exposure) but should be beastly by the time I put them indoors full time. I was thinking about letting them veg to about two and a half feet before the switch. Its reassuring to see the pictures because it seems like snow cap is an odd looking plant, the leaves keep this maple-leaf like structure. One of the snow caps looks like a maple leaf and the other more like an actual pot plant. I had neglected them for a few days and didnt transplant them soon enough, so they got stressed out so the recover from both x-plant and sitting in cups too long.


Well-Known Member
Snowcaps are doing good, and 2/4 clones have started to root!

I had to do a nutrient change today + a flush with bioroots. So I was able to get em out and take pics.
These are the flowering ones, The one I left in veg because I wanna get it a big bigger and take a few more cuttins off it before flower.102_4245.jpg102_4246.jpg

Just starting to really pistillate. No real bud formations yet. This will mark the start/mid week one.


Well-Known Member
some buds! These are doing well! They smell alot, a fruity skunk lol.
cant wait to see if there is correlation between the name and resin production :)

They stopped the stretch in perfect timing, to note on that, they did about double since i flipped.