My SOG Closet setup. Help Plz


Active Member
I'm setting up my first grow. I'm Starting small with the intention of becoming a master grower.
As it stands i have a Cuboard Thats 2ft by 3ft and about 2m hight. I have a 250w Hps lamp which i intend to use for both stages (just for the first grow). I will have 6 plants SOG style. When the plants are ready for cloning i will expand the closet to to levels and expand the bottom area ou of the back to create a 4ft by 3ft space. This is where i'm confused, should i then be getting a 400w hps for the bottom area and keep the 250 in the top area? Does my setup in general sound ok? Also, as i'm a beginer i dont expect to e it completely right, so should i stick to soil with hand watering for this grow or attempt to setup a hydro system? How much ventalation do i need? Whats the best way to deal with odour for a grw this small? And could i fit more plants in or should there be less? Any answers and critism would be great :)



Well-Known Member
I'm setting up my first grow. I'm Starting small with the intention of becoming a master grower.
As it stands i have a Cuboard Thats 2ft by 3ft and about 2m hight. I have a 250w Hps lamp which i intend to use for both stages (just for the first grow). I will have 6 plants SOG style. When the plants are ready for cloning i will expand the closet to to levels and expand the bottom area ou of the back to create a 4ft by 3ft space. This is where i'm confused, should i then be getting a 400w hps for the bottom area and keep the 250 in the top area? Does my setup in general sound ok? Also, as i'm a beginer i dont expect to e it completely right, so should i stick to soil with hand watering for this grow or attempt to setup a hydro system? How much ventalation do i need? Whats the best way to deal with odour for a grw this small? And could i fit more plants in or should there be less? Any answers and critism would be great :)

If this is your first grow.
Just do a couple of plants until you get the hang of it.
Growing takes lot's of practice, and just getting into it you shouldn't start out by growing SOG style.
SOG is mainly for the experienced growers.

Just set up a simple grow room to grow a couple of plants. So you can get the hang of everything that's involved in growing. Doing this will make you a better grower.


Active Member
ok, say i do 2-3 plants in that space is the 250 all good do you think? and should i grow them bigger than SOG if i have the hight? i have 2 sets of seeds, i have 10 low ryder#2/ak47 fem. and i have 7 afghan kush fem. i' thinking 3 of the afghan kush?


Well-Known Member
Hey buddy, I have don extensive research on growing SOG, and I am in the middle of getting my seeds to start it.. If you put a 250 and a 400 in that tight of a space you will have some clearance issues. Your plants will become about a meter tall and you will need 400cm for light clearance. So alread u are at 1.5 meters needed, leaving u with barely enough room for fans and ducting, etc...
That area u have is good for flowering but u will need an additional cabinet for mothers and a cloner box.
Here is what I would do....
Put a 600 watter with cool tube in the closet/room after you open up the area to a 4x3
Get a 150mm axial fan (200CFM) to vent the room, and get a 150mm duct fan (100CFM) to cool the light.
I would recommend either getting an ozone generator.Ucan make them or u can
U will aslo nee an intake hole down low.
U really only need one mother for operation.
Just make some type of small grow box with a 4 inch duct fan for exhaust.
I would just use flouros for that.
Samre as the mothers. Just use a smaller fan, and less light.


Well-Known Member
Wow Im a slow typer. That 250 will definately get u going. A 4 or 6 hundred watter would be better, but just to get your feet wet use the 250. This way u will get an idea of what temperatures are like in there, etc...


Active Member
im trying sog on my newbies currently, i just took my 2nd successful harvest, got the hang of it, now trying sog and also training the branches of my sativa on fencing to increase yield by allowing the main branch to run horrizontally and shoots to become tops. im abount 2 weeks into 12/12. happy to share my insights/learning experiences with you.


Active Member
That would be great, i think i'm gonna start out with a smaller op then i planned. After all the research iv done i think i thought growig was a little easier than it is. I can already see myself getting well into this, so i might aswell start small. 3 plants grown maybe upto a meter in the wardrobe with a 250hps. Gonna use soil i think for this grow and make a hydroponic system. i think i'm gona make a grow area from scratch to fit in my bedroom, SOG seem like the way to go so i'll make a purpose build room while these first plants are going.

What is the perfect SOG set up?! The 1miilion gram question me thinks :)


Well-Known Member
I'm about to start a perpeptual harvest with my Mini-SOG.

Flowering Closet, in bedroom, 3" x 2" under 400W HPS.
Veg closet (same closet different part) 2 x 125W Eco-Light CFL.

5 plants flowering in 5.5 litre pots every 3 weeks (15 plants total, flowering period 9 weeks). 1 Mother plant, 6 clones rooting and 6 clones vegging.

I think the first question you need to ask yourself, is how much weed do I need?

Personally, I smoke about an Oz a week, so this set-up should produce just about that (hopefully at least....first batch harvest in 12 days).

So what I guess what I'm trying to say, the perfect SOG is one that produces the amount of weed that YOU (as an individual) aim for that :-)
