My Song of the Day

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. . . . . . . Crashed hard on pain pills. Broke my foot and bruised my tail bone to start the list. . . . . . .
Pain pills will lead to all kinds of unexpected shit. After I got into a wasp's nest and hurt my back jumping off a tractor, I was on pain pills. Also drank and smoked a fair amount, but. . . . . A girl I was dating was also my neighbor. We had broke up, but I thought it would be a good idea to walk behind her house just to see who's truck was parked there. I was wearing shorts, there were briars and I was feeling no pain. As in I didn't feel the briars scratching my legs up. Couple weeks later before all the cuts had healed, I went tubing. I swore I could keep my legs out of the river, but. . . . . I got a really bad infection that was touch and go there for a while. The moral of the story, if you are going to be stupid, wear long pants.
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Because of my DVR settings I have been losing 1 ACL off the back end every time a new one recorded. This morning I'm recording some shows to DVD's so I can delete them. This is on atm.

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