My spare room: 600W HPS Flower, 324W T5 Veg. Cheese, Lemon Kush, Purple Diesel clones


OK, my bagseed is flowering under the 600W HPS ( and I am ready to get a little more serious because this is so much fun!

What I'm working with:

Small (appox 80 sq ft) bedroom
Legal recommendations for 2 patients
600W MH/HPS Air-cooled
324W 6 bulb 4' T5
48W T5 2' T5
3 Cheese clones
3 Lemon Kush clones
3 Purple Diesel clones
5 Unknown clones from previous bagseed grow
4X4 Tent
4" Vortex (generic) fan
4" Carbon filter
6" Inline duct fan
Window A/C
16" Oscillating fan
Box Fan
Fox Farms nutrients: Grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom, Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, Cha Ching
Ocean Forest soil
Schultz Takeroot
Ph pronge probe
Panda film room split (not quite light tight yet)
Other misc odds and ends

I welcome friendly comments and constructive criticism that can help me become better at this great hobby. So subscribe, comment and watch me grow.

Pics to follow shortly.


Well-Known Member
hey looks like a good setup, was just wondering can you get lemon kush seeds or is it clone only


Chad, I searched for seeds to get strain info. I could only find crosses, so my guess is clone only. It is possible that what I have is a cross too.

Here is a pic of the Lemon Kush.

Does anybody out there know more about this strain?

(The pic below is actually Cheese. See next post for Lemon Kush)



There are pics of Cheese and Lemon Kush above. Check out these pics of the rest of the Veg portion of the room. The clones in the red cups are clones from the strongest of the bagseed grow. The 3 in the black pots in this set are Purple Diesel. There is also a pic of the top of the closet. I have a 200 something cfm inline duct fan hanging on a rafter in the attic, it helps some. Veg temps about 82-84. Outdoor temp has been 95-100 in the daytime lately.

There are also 3 pics of my 5 flowering ladies. They are inside a 4X4 tent in the rear chamber of the room. Still in the tent because it's not light tight yet. I plan on sealing all light leaks and getting another 600 watt hps for flowering the clones.




The Lemon Kush, Purple Diesel and Cheese are all clones from a local dispensary. The plants in flower (and their clones in the dixie cups) are from bagseed.


All of the clones are growing nice and healthy. I made a mistake a couple of days ago and did a foliar feed with FF Grow Big. In hindsight, they seem too young. Caused some burn. The Cheese clones ended up coming with spider mites. Sprayed all clones with Organocide, which killed all adults. 6 days later I found a couple more live ones, so i sprayed again. I think I will spray every 4 days as long as I don't see too much adverse reaction.



A couple of weeks ago I noticed a few gnats,which quickly turned into an infestation. My local hydro store suggested a soil soak with Organocide. I did that followed by topping the soil with a 1/2" layer of Diatomaceous Earth. I didn't notice any improvement at all. So yesterday, I bought some sticky traps, put them on skewers and placed above the soil (see pic below). This morning, there are many gnat stuck to the traps. When I stir the soil, many less gnats are coming out than did yesterday. I tried making a homemade version with cardboard, gorilla tape and skewers, but they do not seem nearly as effective. I think I will buy another package of the sticky sheets to give more surface area for gnats to land on.

I am afraid the level of infestation is causing slowed growth, although the buds definitely are growing. As this is my first flowering, I am at a loss for a personal comparison. This is flowering day 22. Any comments or words of wisdom?



Bought Gnatrol yesterday and drenched soil of flowering plants with 5 tsp\gal dilution. Hope this gets them under control. The directions call for 3 weekly applications with a strong dilution, followed by a maintance program at a lower dilution. Going to start a maintaince regimen with Gnatrol on the vegging clones also, as I have seen a couple of gnats in there.

I need to pay more attention to drainage in the soil. Although Ocean Forest is good soil, it retains too much moisture as a stand alone medium. I will be doing some research and deciding on a good mix for repotting the clones when the time comes. Hopefully this will help eliminate fungus gnats in the long term.


Found a couple more hermaphrodites in the flowering room, so I hacked them all down. I am a little disappointed, but I feel good about starting fresh with good genetics and better knowledge of growing.

Looks like I will harvest about an ounce of premature mini-buds. Not exactly what I had in mind, but next time will be better. It is still kind of cool to smoke something that I grew; enough to keep me motivated!

I am not going to bother with a long cure, just doesn't seem worth the wait and effort. I put it on strings in a cardboard box, in front of a fan for about 35 hours. Then I clipped the buds off and put on a plate in the late-day sun for a couple of hours. At sunset, I put in a coffee can and left overnight. Today, they are in the morning sun for a while. I hope this method will get it all dry enough to smoke, but not too harsh. I cut up a joint worth and left in the sun and it got dry enough to burn. I mixed in a tiny bit of some tasty LA Confidential with it, and I was satisfied. I think I will smoke most of it this way. Since we buy about 1/4 ounce a week from the club on the norm, this should help stretch out the dollar bill a little.

So, all in all, I am satisfied with the first run. I am sure some do better on a first try, but sure just as many first timers get nothing. One thing is for sure, I will never grow bagseed again!

Our 9 clones seem to have turned into plants. Not sure exactly when they were cut, but my guess is about a month ago. I will be busy this weekend working on the flowering room getting it light tight around the window. I hope I get it right this time. Once the room is ready, I will veg under MH for another week and then switch to HPS for flowering. 6 will flower and 3 will go back to T5 for mothers. I plan on another 600W HPS for flowering. Maybe I can get a monthly harvest going this way.

I took 7 clones yesterday, 2 Purple Diesel, 2 Lemon Kush and 3 Cheese. Most of the cutting are very small, just have to see what happens. I have successfully cloned off my bagseed (it was sad to kill those healthy herms) in peat pods once. My second try at cloning attempt was in rockwool and off of plants that had already started flowering, none rooted. So, hopefully, it was bad cuttings not contaminated rockwool. So, if these don't take, I will go back to peat pods and my plant will have larger cutting to offer.



I moved the plants into the flowering room for a week run under 600w Metal Halide for 24 hours per day. After 2 days, they are reponding very well, with much new growth. I also moved the new cuttings (now on day 5) under MH, off into the corner. Hard to tell for sure, but there seems to be foilage growth on the new clones. Check out the new pics..........


iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
yo im subscribing to this shit right here. sorry to hear about the mishaps cali but hey shit happens.
do you think that your plants hermied because of a light leak or genectics?
oh yea plants lookin good bro


Thanks for the subscribe Dro. I think they hermied mostly of because of genetics. I had a couple outside and a few that I gave to a friend - all hermie. They did get alot of stress though, so probably a combo. I am still working on getting my window 100% sealed. It is harder than it sounds. Once that is done, I'll be switching to 12/12HPS.


Finally got the window light tight! Put CDX on the outside of the window, sealed with aluminum tape. Pretty ugly from outside, but some paint should blend it in well enough.

I originally planted in straight FFOF, but drainage sucked. I repotted in 3 gallon containers with a 70 FFOF/30 Perlite. I carefully removed as much soil from the root mass as I could to avoid unbalanced drainage. I was really worried that I might have seriously stressed them, but 2 days later they look good. The only sign of transplant stress was a minor downturn of the bottom leaves.

So with the transplant done and the flowering room sealed, I kept 6 clones (2 of each strain) in there and switched the HPS to 12/12.

I planned on vegging in the closet in the front part of the bedroom that the flowering room is in, but due to air flow limitation and possible light leak, I have decided to set the tent up in our office. It is more spacious, but now I have to run the A/C in there on hot days and restrict visitors from that room also. With that now set up, I moved the 3 plants (one of each strain) that will become my mothers and the propagation tray into the tent.

It has been 10 days since I took the first 7 cuttings and placed in rockwool. None rooted, so I tossed them today. I am convinced the rockwool was tainted. I bought the pack at a garage sale, lol. After 10 days they smelled musty and the inside of the plastic felt slimy. After two failed attempts, I think it is time to toss the rest in the garbage. The only time I cloned before trying this rockwool was in peat pods and I had 100% success.

4 days ago, I took 6 cuttings and put them in a coir/perlite mix and also 5 more cutting in peat pods (It's what I had here at the time). So I have 11 cuttings. I am worried that whatever was wrong with the rockwool may have spread to these clones, so I'll be happy if any root. Next time I will be using a seedling mat and a rooting medium intended for soil, purchased retail.

I am also including some pics of my neighbor's outrageous backyard grow. 3 patient recommendations, 18 plants, 100% legal. I have an 8 foot fence in my back yard and these girls have been peeking over for a couple of weeks. The only way to get a pic of the whole garden was by taking it from his roof. Enjoy the pics, they are beauties!

So RIU community, what do you think of my setup? Advice and discussion welcome!



It's nice to see plants flowering again. After 12 days of 12/12, the plants stretched about 5-6 inches with nice vegatative growth and all show signs of flowering. Except one 15" straggler, they are all 19-20". Ph has been high (appox 7.5), so I have been adding 1 tsp/gal Ph down to all water. They are all now at 6.8-7.1. I only have a 3-way probe, but my FF soil in the bag pegged at 7.0, so I figure it is fairly accurate. I am now at full strength on the FF feed schedule, plus a tsp/gal molasses. No signs of burn. 2 weeks after transplant into 70/30, drainage is much better and nice white roots can already be seen through drain holes. 3 of 6 are lighter green, so I will probably going to do a nitrogen foliar feed tonight.

So far I have failed at cloning. I abandoned the last try in coco/perlite because the tray smelled musty from tainted rockwool. So I bought a new tray, oasis cubes and new package of blades. I bought the 1-1/2 cubes and the holes were too big, so I had to cut slivers of medium to fill the hole, then made new holes with a skewer. Other than that, it was a much cleaner process. I layered the bottom of the tray with perlite and have the cubes down in it. The Oasis cubes seem to quickly get VERY dry, so i have been squirting with a bit of water. I know it shouldn't be too wet to avoid dampening-off, but they get light as a feather. Trail and error, i suppose. If I don't get it right this time, I will have to buy new clones to start vegging for the next run, and that would hurt my pride and cost unneccasary $$$!

Until next time..................



Well-Known Member
Dude so sorry about your previous grow.. the plants were looking real nice before they were chopped..
Also mad props to your neighbor cali! Gawwddamnzz impressive lookin backyard ;)
Peace man..

Please check my journal if you get some time..