My sprouts are still sprouts

They have light, great Happy Frog dirt, water and they aren't growing. There normal looking 2 inch tall babies, but they have been this tall for a while. Am I impatient or are they hungry?
how much light are they getting? what kind of light are you using? or are they outdoors? did you ph your water? did you add nutrients? what strain are they? and here is a great question.. HOW OLD ARE THEY?!?!?!?! can you post pics? there is no where near enough information here to even begin to consider an answer to your question... but if they look healthy than try and be patient. its not all about vertical growth maybe the roots are growing like crazy.


Well-Known Member
When did you germinate? When did they 1st sprout? I felt mine were that small forever and then when I transplanted and got my pH in check they started to grow like crazy. I planted my 5 seeds directly in soil to germinate Jan 3rd, all 5 germinated and were fully sprouted by Jan 10. I felt they were small for about 2 weeks but now they look like this- All I can say is be patient, all good things take time. Peace

