My Sprouts Need Judges!!!(PICTURES)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. these are some pics of my new sprouts and i was just wondering if they look like their doin good or not. I got a 25 watt fluorescent, cool white bulb, i believe is 42" and a 18", again cool white fluorescent bulb. A medium sized fan continuously running 24 hrs along with the lights and a toat filled with distilled water and a pump circulating the water and giving it plenty of oxygen. I make sure te soil is wet everyday and water it about 3 to 4 times waiting til its semi dry til the next watering and spra the leaves 3 times a day between waterings. I am using regular miracle grow and it seems to be working o.k and i am using white trash bags (lol) on my walls for reflective surfaces. So if u all could tell me if these are doin good or not thatd be great!



Well-Known Member
50w of Fluorescent light is enough for a SINGLE plant... Provided it's within 2" from the plants, is reflected properly to allow no escapage of light, and is concentrated on a single plant.

You need to get at LEAST another 42w CFL and point it at EACH plant if you want any sort of yield.


Well-Known Member
well i have 8 plants and 2 25 watt cool white fluorescents and i have 1 15 watt cool white bulb and i was only expecting 4 plants to actually make it anyways.


Well-Known Member
my mistake. i meant another 2, 25 watt bulbs that are 42 ". so it makes 4, 25 watt, 42" cool white bulbs and a 18" 15 watt cool white fluorescent bulb. is this finally enough for 8 plants??


Well-Known Member
i have 1450 watts of hps and metal halide over 12 plants in my grow room. you be the judge if its enough. i dont think so, at least if u want any type of quality buds.


Well-Known Member
Again, I think not. If you're using fluorescents and CFL's here's what I've read works.

85w for the first plant, and an additional 50w for each plant thereafter.

That's about 400w of CFL's for 8 plants.

CFL's have more punch than Fluorescent tubes too. Get a 42w CFL on each plant, in addition to what you already have, and you'll do really well.


Active Member
i rate CFL's for veg growth, for me its working fine... i have 1 48w (5000k) on one plant and its a fat little plant, im just waiting for my paint to dry on my wooden reflexter and im going to hit her with 3 48w CFL's (2 x 5000k and 1 x 3000k). but one 48w seems fine for one plant, i keep the light about 1 inch away from the top of the plant and then move it when its just about to touch the globe. have a look at my post and you will see


Well-Known Member
You know, walmart has some nice ones that output 75watts each. for 10 bucks. Ditch yours and grab like 4 of those. If your going to do it the cheap way.. honestly though a nice 115$ setup High Tech Garden Supply has some good stuff.. id go there, screw the flourecent, I use the 75 watt ones but im going for a pro setup from those guys next check.


Active Member
I recmomend getting a couple 90 watt flourescent bulbes replacing the 25 watts. 115 watts is not close to be able to grow 8 plants.


Well-Known Member
minimum is 50 watts per plant. optimal is 100+. im talking HID light too. you need more than that with cfls i think.