My card says 24 plants....not my card.
It has already been approved.( By the state MM review board )
6 plants is the norm but your doctor can recommend up to 4X the limit..and it worked.
.And my caregiver grows for 6 other people and never gets anywhere close to the maximum number of plants...
So no I'm not worried in the's all above board.
This has never been to court. And I recently went to a meeting in which the Boulder
chief of police stated "24 plant cards are not upholdable in court" and that the cops will be
taking all excess plants.
You're "Card" the red card, which says your social security number, name and address says 24 plants?
Thats not true at all, they don't write any information about plant numbers.
I'm not doubting that the doctor wrote "recommend 24 plants due to condition" on your recommendation.
but that is not legally binding by the state of colorado at all.
It's never been "approved."
"6 plants is the norm"?!? No, 6 plants is the LAW.
Doctor's are just doing it to entice people to get their exams at their offices.
You are talking out of your ass.
My honest opinion