my stupid fuckn dog!!! aaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
By looking at your signature.
Well, Captain Obvious here seems to be a genius.

I'm assuming that you're from Florida with a name like "Orlandocb"... If that is the case, are you on the sex offenders list, just like the majority of people from Florida?

This may also answer why you're "vile from ignorance" or what ever catastrophe you seem to be mentally carrying.


Well-Known Member
Well, Captain Obvious here seems to be a genius.

I'm assuming that you're from Florida with a name like "Orlandocb"... If that is the case, are you on the sex offenders list, just like the majority of people from Florida?
I like Captain Obvious better than Captain Oblivious


Well-Known Member
Well, Captain Obvious here seems to be a genius.

I'm assuming that you're from Florida with a name like "Orlandocb"... If that is the case, are you on the sex offenders list, just like the majority of people from Florida?

This may also answer why you're "vile from ignorance" or what ever catastrophe you seem to be mentally carrying.
Don't go hurt yourself with all those assumptions now!


Active Member
That makes sense he likes what I like I have another dog he is very good listens does tricks but I had to work w/ him I need to do the same w/ Sid but he's so bad I get frustrated & give up well I live him to much we ain't giving up he's my bad ass dog
I'm with you 1000 %. I was just mad at your dog! One of mine would piss on em'. The other one would eat them. I know it, she found a patch of melons growing in the back yard last fall. I didn't even know they were there until I saw her gnawing one up!


Well-Known Member
I'm assuming that you're from Florida with a name like "Orlandocb"... If that is the case, are you on the sex offenders list, just like the majority of people from Florida?
have you always been this much of a prick or did you just pick it up later in life :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
It says bat but its supposed to be nats how do I get rid of nats
it's pretty simple, but i'm not gonna bother to tell you because you beat up innocent puppies.

and how surprising that you're from the deep south. color me shocked. truly.


Well-Known Member
It says bat but its supposed to be nats how do I get rid of nats
It's gnat. I'm from the south and some what proud to be, but holy fuck I wouldn't be proud to be stupid.

A dog is only as smart as it's owner. Stupid ass dog,.. well


Well-Known Member
No, I'm not usually a total prick, I thought I'd give that almighty muppet a taste of his own shit. He was sitting there giving it because someone doesn't spell correctly, perhaps they have dyslexia or another learning difficulty of some kind? Maybe they had a bad up bringing and couldn't attend school? You don't know peoples personal lives, so I don't see why there is the need to insult someone for bad grammar. I'm merely sticking up for ms.weed is all.

That Orlandocb is just a complete dick.


Grow up... I thought the purpose of this community was to help others? Not ridicule people for bad grammar. If people want to do that, go head on over to an English language forum, not a Cannabis community forum. It's starting to get as bad as the gaming forums I used to frequently visit.
What spelling corrections?

Yeah I'm a dick because I dislike innocent things being beaten for no reason.