My T5 Cab Design


So I need a stealthier setup (less noise, heat etc) as I am growing in my apt closet. How does this T5 cab design look?

It'd be 2.5 feet deep, about 6ft tall (using an 8 blub setup). One change I would make is moving the filter/duct/inline outside of the cabinet/ placing it on top of the cabinet and make a stealthy casing for it so the plants have a good 5.5 to 6ft to grow.

The inline would be on a timer to go on and off 3 or 4 times per hour for a good 10 minutes at a time.

Of course it will be light proof and have a locking door to it. Look stealthy? Look doable?



Well-Known Member
Looks pretty good, nice and simple. You might want to put the air intake on the opposite side, furthest away possible from the exhaust (which really, in your case, is the tube that comes off your fan, that's where it will be pulling from)
And actually, you may want to pull THROUGH the carbon filter instead of pushing through, but I've seen people do it that way as well.


Well-Known Member
perfect man. LST the shit out of em or scrog em. you're not going to need all 5 or 6 feet to grow. Don't get me wrong. You can .... but your light penetration diminishes after about 2 feet. so 5 feet of space. one foot pot... grow your plants about two feet have around 3 say 4 feet of usable space. I think T5's work best with the canopy spread out as opposed to natural growth by natural growth ...i mean no training


Well-Known Member
only prob i see is air might take a path straight up and in to tube and out never cover light or plant with out right overtop of in

id put in on otherside of cab to get to out has to pull past light and plant do you feel me

1 Luv


Well-Known Member
only prob i see is air might take a path straight up and in to tube and out never cover light or plant with out right overtop of in

id put in on otherside of cab to get to out has to pull past light and plant do you feel me

1 Luv
you are correct sir! i didn't see the intake hole he had


Active Member
i might be wrong but from my understanding if your using a T5 your vegging.. and during the vegging process theres no smell.. the smell only kicks in when your flowering and the buds start pushing out.. besides that you should have no worries about a smell.. making the carbon filter and inline fan useless...


@ataxia what is LST (sorry, I'm relatively new to this and am not familiar with all of the acronyms)

@stacksondeck401 good point. the carbon filter would mainly come into play when I started flowering. plus, I was planning on drying the buds in the cab as well so i'd need the carbon filter then as well. during veg, the carbon filter would still be used, but you're right, no smell so no worries during veg. During veg, the inline would support the passive intake of air into the cab...

Thanks guys. I'll definitely put the intake on the other side. If the plants will only need to get about the 2 1/2 ft tall area I'll keep the carbon filter and inline inside the cab as to maintain maximum stealthiness. I'm thinking of the 4ft 8blub set;

- Will it help at all to toss some CFLs in there as well (on the bottom and sides) to supplement the t5 tubes?
- How would I cover the intake in such a way as to prevent light leaks but still allow air to pass freely into the cab?
- Do I simply switch over to 12/12 with the Floros (plus CFLs if I use them) to initiate flowering?


Active Member
how are you going to control the temperature? im currently vegging in a 3 1/2x6x6 with a single T5 and its making my temperature shoot up to 95 degrees.. i have 1 oscillating fan a solid-non moving fan and a inline fan and its still 93 degrees in there.. im about to go pick up a portable AC to drop my temp 25 degrees.. The T5s get hot and CFLs would just add more heat.. Keep temp in mind..


huh? wow, your t5 is really heating up your cab THAT much?!!! i guess i'll have to up the inline to a six incher and keep it running constantly....

I noticed greners sells two types of floros, a "grow" and "bloom" set. I'm assuming that you'd use "grow" during veg and swithc over to "bloom" during flower?


in the proposed cab design, i'm thinking it would be approximately 6ft tall, 3 ft deep, and about 4 1/2 ft wide, how many plants would be doable using an 8 bulb (4ft) T5 HO system?

If necessary, I would also purchase a couple single T5 fixtures to light the plants from the bottom up (if the light wasn't effectively coming through the canopy)


Well-Known Member
i use ona blocks a vaportech 4000 a fan and scrubber inside tent ducted to a fan and scrubber outsid tent (thats right two)

and if im runnin some serious stank dank every now and again i get a woff of bud but its so faint you gotta know smell for sure to identafy it noone has aver said i smell weed

there is no single item out there that will completly mask serious stank dank you need a whole defencive team to take out smell(smell like a fullback up the middle that cant be stoped) no single take downs

good luck

Mr. Green14

Was that the Quantum Badboy? Ifso don't worry about the heating problem because they put off virtually NO HEAT. (mine don't at least. Those lights are perfect. They sell bloom and veg bulbs. They don't come with bulbs from greners but you can get the 8 pack with bloom and veg bulbs on eBay for like 60 bucks. Good luck!