My Tap Water Is 300 PPM


Active Member
So when I add my nutes for week 4 in vegetation with Humboldt Nutrients 3 part should I be aiming for 1k PPM reading?


New Member
br0 wat iz u use soil hydro ??? dont use tap water i use mineral natural spring mufuking water x)

besides u dont wanna gief it all dat shiiit in da tap water kl0rine flu0ride etcc..


Well-Known Member
300 is on the high side my usually like 150 or so
So have you growth any plants with this water before
weed or even house plants if they did okay you should
be alright. When you mix your nutes you subtract
the 300 from the total on the meter this is your actual
number of ppms of nutes that you are using.


Active Member
Ya I've grown with this water, the plant was healthy the entire grow, but skinny because I had 2 CFLs on it.


I honestly would suggest you investing in a RO system. They're roughly about hundred dollars or just take a few 5 gallon buckets to a nearby filtration vendor and fill it up. Using tap water will take away much needed nutrients. If your using your tap water which is reading 300 ppm then and your trying to maintain a 1000 ppm level. You would only be allowed to used 700 ppm of nutrients. The RO system will filter out almost 99 percent of tap water. My reading after my RO is around 9 ppm but without it I was getting roughtly in the 400 range. Hope that helps.