New Member
Im growing upstairs in my house.. I have the furnace fan running at all times so it's always blowing air and the rooms return always is sucking, as poor as it may be.... I had 2 open wing hoods for two 600hps bulbs.. but I exchanged it for this 3 foot cool tube that holds both bulbs.. added the 6 inch fan.. then I put the ducting so it's taking the air to the attic.. added a fee fans.. but the intake of the fan is using the air from inside the box.. would it make that much of a difference if I took the air from outside the box but still inside the room?? My veg closet is behind the flower box.. but that only has a 4 foot 4 tube T5.. with a 2 foot 4 tube T5s for the soon to be mother plants..

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