my temps are hovering at 82, I have changed everything I can can.. but still isn't coming down enoug


New Member
Im growing upstairs in my house.. I have the furnace fan running at all times so it's always blowing air and the rooms return always is sucking, as poor as it may be.... I had 2 open wing hoods for two 600hps bulbs.. but I exchanged it for this 3 foot cool tube that holds both bulbs.. added the 6 inch fan.. then I put the ducting so it's taking the air to the attic.. added a fee fans.. but the intake of the fan is using the air from inside the box.. would it make that much of a difference if I took the air from outside the box but still inside the room?? My veg closet is behind the flower box.. but that only has a 4 foot 4 tube T5.. with a 2 foot 4 tube T5s for the soon to be mother plants.. 20141008_155423.jpg 20141008_155452.jpg 20141008_155432.jpg 20141008_155517.jpg 20141008_155508.jpg20141008_155528.jpg
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Pull ambiant air from adjacent room or out side of your primary environment. Also 1200k on a 6'' inline? Maybe go bigger.


Well-Known Member
I like mylar, but honestly, I like the panda/orca film better... nice n thick, water proof, highly reflective one side and downright black on the other...

Maybe adjust your fan location just a touch, remember, even slight/small bends can reduce airflow a LOT.... that slight S bend will eat like 20% of ur airflow...

Otherwise 82 aint that bad, especially if like jiji says, ur measuring where its absorbing light energy to throw off readings... if u really want that extra few degrees, build a swamp cooler with an old laying around cooler, or a 5gal bucket... ice is easy to come by


New Member
Ive got that thermometer, abd then I 2 digital ones sitting in the crates at the bottom of the pots.. abd they usually read 79ish...


Well-Known Member
82f is not an issue really, its actually quite good
i do not think heat is your main problem looking at the pic

why are your plants in such small pots, they look like sticks with sporadic branching or little branching , are they auto flowers, or clones with no veg time ?


Well-Known Member
Seems like you have the one that's giving you 82 in the sun anyway... and it sounds like the two that are in the shade are 79? Seems doable.


New Member
I think the first pic, was a week ago.. the larger 3 are high end reggie bag seeds...I had 4 turn male on me, then 2 turned herm on me.. I think.cause it was before I exchanged hoods.. then the other 3 are 1 nirvana northern lights, 1 nirvana bubbelicious, and one Female seeds pure AK.. all three feminized..


Well-Known Member
Well a few comments.....

Mylar sucks is super reflective, but a pain in the ass to hang (without crinkling) and once its crinkled it will give hot spots and can burn plants where it reflects light. Also hard to clean.

Venting to attic is bad, unless your using insulated ducting, directly outside. In winter condensation is created as the RH capacity of hot air is a lot more then cold air.

If your only using 1 fan, dont pipe the intake from another room, you need to get the heat out of the grow room.

I'm still kind of surprised the temps are that high, what are ambient temps in another room upstairs?

- Jiji


Well-Known Member
First lift the shorter plants so their tops are the same height as the tallest ones. About 18" from the light. Mylar is best but a pain and adds a red to the room that's iritating to your eyes. If you aren't useing silicon yet, add it in the nutes. Add it first to the RO water. Then other nutes. 85 is the best temp to bud in. Won't give as much color, but better and bigger bud. Use the silicon with every watering. 75 is the low temp at night. When going lower then ten degrees below the high, it takes the plant longer to start growing each morning. Where these plants live in the wild, they only have a ten degree change and its between 75 and 90 all year. But humidity over 75%. Lol.