My three plants :)

This is my first grow. I originally had 4 plants a red dragon, white widow, and 2 60 day wonders. The white widow died about 4 days after it got planted. it fell over one day and i buried it down to a cm before the first (and only leaf set). it didnt take RIP. The other 3 are growing they are about a week and a half into it.

This grow closet maintains a temp of 75-80. there is a six inch inline fan taking air out and a osculating fan. they are grown in coco fiber and they are fed 1/4 strength of tachnafloras "recipe for success". Distilled water phed at 6.1. they are under a collective 30 watts of cool white fluorescents. in about another week or so i plan put them under my 400w metal halide bulb.


Close up of the Red Dragon. the tips are yellowing and curling up. this one shows the least growth in terms of nodes and leafs. pretty tall though.


Close up of 60 day wonder #2. this is the one with the best growth. bright green foliage and two nodes separated by 1 cm.


Close up of 60 day wonder #1. pretty short but its getting there.


all three plants in relation to one another.


Sideview of 60 day wonder # 2.

any advice would be greatly appreciated. escpecially concerning the red dragon. thank you all :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
How old are they?

Ive just started my first ever grow, some auto ak-47's, and they look very similar stage of development.


Well-Known Member
They look good for a week and a half. On here it's way easier to get some help when you have questions. There is just so much info about growing that asking someone for advice is just waaaaaay to general. Not feeding them yet is great advice. ONly water them when the soil is dry, not every other day or every 3 days, you gotta check it daily and if its dry water 'em up. Hmmm..lemme see...dont drop shit on them, keep lights close so they don't stretch but not too close because seedlings are waaaay more sensitive to the heat then bigger plants, and try not to mess with the plants themselves too much now. Adjust their surroundings as you see fit for their better but try not to mess with the actual plant too much. They're just fragile babies, think of them as not having bones yet.
And above all have fun. I am having so much fun growing and as long as you don't let it drive you crazy it can really be fun.
There you go bud, some advice, lol. Happy growing!!