My ultimate setup (5 Stars)


Active Member
This is my setup.

I have a huge tv box coated inside with shiny foil.

Have a 16w LED blue/red 12"x12" panel. Also 3 42w CFL.

LED panel hangs on an adjustable line just above plants which I have 2 Nirvana Bubblicious strain females.

I have sealed the box almost air tight and have 2 tubes coming in from a box i made to funnel fresh air using 80mm pc fans through a plastic tube which is attached to the exterior of the LED panel with perferations and I plugged the end of the tube inside the box so air is dumped onto plants. Second tube is running along the bottom edge of the box with perferations also.

For ventilation I have an 80mm pc fan at top of box built into side attached to a carbon filter (homemade with a office metal trashcan pencil cup wrapped in carbon filter.

Total the system generated almost no heat and with the lumens im pumping its going verry well will post pictures when I get a chance.


Active Member
Your wrong about LED's they are more efficient even then HID

This guy grew 2 plants side by side with a separator both cloned from same plant.


HID produced 91g with a total of 420 Kwh or .217g/kwh

LED produced 36g with a total of 99.9 Kwh or .36g/kwh

IF your not a dumb ass and use LED correctly in large proportions or as a supplement to other lighting LED's are the best in the business.


Active Member
well stop being a dumb ass and remove the foil, use flat paint or mylar/real reflective material.

j/k on the dumb ass part- thought it woulde be could to through it in.

pictures of your setup up, and of your plants.


Well-Known Member
well stop being a dumb ass and remove the foil, use flat paint or mylar/real reflective material.

j/k on the dumb ass part- thought it woulde be could to through it in.

pictures of your setup up, and of your plants.
I'd opt for elastomeric roofing paint over flat paint any day... 90% reflectivity and depending on the mylar type possibly over that. Do not use Emergency blanket mylar... and if you go mylar buy it in rolls... make sure it isn't folded 20 million times. You will get too many hot spots otherwise.



Well-Known Member
But I'd still prefer 91g over 36g. Thats like a 200% increase.

It may win on grams per watt, but loses on grams per plant.

Your wrong about LED's they are more efficient even then HID

This guy grew 2 plants side by side with a separator both cloned from same plant.


HID produced 91g with a total of 420 Kwh or .217g/kwh

LED produced 36g with a total of 99.9 Kwh or .36g/kwh

IF your not a dumb ass and use LED correctly in large proportions or as a supplement to other lighting LED's are the best in the business.


Well-Known Member
I think it is about the individual.....

I have something in common with Jonthonson, I don't want a big operation. I don't aim for a huge stash, mostly because I don't smoke alot (harvested 39g from one plant in May and I'm not even half done with the stash), and since I don't smoke alot, I don't need alot.....

With that said, why would I not shoot for the most economical, safer, cleaner technology? I grew one plant using 5 26w 6500k CFLs, 2 T-5 HO 6500k tubes, and 2 T-8 Full spectrum tubes. In the end after building my box, installing lights, installing exhaust, I spent well over the amount of HID lighting. But what I had was a compact, low heat, low energy (I look at it on a environmental aspect not bill, although it does go hand in hand) system that suited my needs and made me happy.

Point being, I think it is all about the individual's needs and how they can be assesed. If you smoke alot (I hope not dealing), then you really need a good HID system. But, if you are making it compact, or environmentally friendly ("minimal carbon impact indoor Marijuana" I call it) why require such a powerfull light?

I'm stoned and talking too much.... Let me go sleep. lol


PS: I like the stealth TV idea, give us some pics!


Well-Known Member
Cost of 400W - 190$
Cost of 93W LEDs - 900$
(random prices i found in 2 min search)

It would make sence that something costing 4.5 as much would have some/any benefits. However you can also reach around 1g/watt on HID with an ideal setup.


Well-Known Member
The LEDs are fine if you have tons and tons of money to throw into your setup. To yeild the same amount of buds from LEDs as you do HID, you would need so many LEDs, most people couldnt afford it.
I have heard mixed reviews on the LEDs, right now I don't think they have it down just quite yet, but its coming. My hydro shop wont even sell them because he says they are garbage.
As far as a "carbon footprint" Bless mentioned, bacause you are able to grow so much bigger/more plants, aren't you kind of going green with the HID as well? The more and the larger plants you have, the more CO2 they are sucking out of the air, the cooler they are making coniditions, the more oxygen they are producing, etc, etc. Yes you are using more power, but the plants are also a lot bigger and thus able to clean the air and produce more oxygen for us.

Tom Bombodil

Active Member
Im curious to see what comes of LED growlight technology. The consensus in the community seems to be "Interested, but too unproven/expensive right now."



Active Member
Its proven 100% that per KWH you get more effectiveness from LED over HID or HPS. The cost to = the amount of lumens generated by a HID or HPS from a LED is where the problem is.

The technology will get cheaper once the community starts investing and believing on LED's.