My under-sink grow setup


Well-Known Member
Here is my little grow setup. It is in a very small space under my sink. I'm using a 150w HPS and a few CFLS. I'm 3 weeks into flowering on the one plant. The other just went into flowering today. Comments appreciate :)



Well-Known Member
looks like you might have some nute burn bro , the bigger plants bottom leaves are fucked , whats ur PH and how hot is it in there?


Well-Known Member
I had a problem with the heat and over-feeding a few weeks ago. The temp now is stable at 88 degrees F. I'm not sure if the brown leaves were due to heat, nutes or a combo of both. I dont have a PH meter at the moment so I have no clue as to the PH...definitely something I need to check though. I think the heat and nute problems are at least straightened out though. Hopefully she still grows well.


Well-Known Member
she looks fine , seems a bit stressed out though thats it. 88 is a bit hot though man, I hope you have good air circulation in there because 88 would be the hottest I would allow my room to get , shoot for 75 , if you cant do that buy some more fans for better circulation