My vehicle was stolen


Well-Known Member
;) Good morning........

Cant believe what happens over night when i am sleeping here, guess y'all americans...

or some other timezone than me.....


Thnx for rep'ing my mum ;) she said thnx......


Well-Known Member
;) Good morning........

Cant believe what happens over night when i am sleeping here, guess y'all americans...

or some other timezone than me.....


Thnx for rep'ing my mum ;) she said thnx......
It's not rep when she asks for it:wink:


Well-Known Member
:lol: Excellent, Kate!

Wordz... was it really a Pinto? I used to have a Pinto. Fucking piece of shit. Then he put me in a Road Runner, now THAT was some fun. YEE-MOTHERFUCKIN'-HAW!


Well-Known Member
Nobody, nobody on earth ever had that huge talent
michael has. you and i are happy ones as we had that fortune to come along with his music, we are able to enjoy his everything. i wish there were much more people like Michael, the world would be different place to live.
all i can say is that i appreciate his hard work and sleepless nights.
Michael, i love dearly


Well-Known Member
Nobody, nobody on earth ever had that huge talent
michael has. you and i are happy ones as we had that fortune to come along with his music, we are able to enjoy his everything. i wish there were much more people like Michael, the world would be different place to live.
all i can say is that i appreciate his hard work and sleepless nights.
Michael, i love dearly

Yeah, he has talent but he needs help in my opinion. He has some issues.


Well-Known Member
can anybody say chevette
HA HA HA HA HA HAWWW heh heh heh heheee hee hee hee hHEE HEE HE HEE HEE HEE!!! :lol: :lol: Damn... that's... man, that's almost as like a Geo. Or a Gremlin (yes, they had their following). Or a Yugo or Ford Festiva! :lol:


Hey, I'm really sorry your Chevette got stolen. :lol: I bet you're real broken up about it, too. What a loss, classic like that.


Well-Known Member
luckily I was able to upgrade into my sweet 84' tempo. I'm thinking about upgrading to some dubs .
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