brett silva
Active Member
Thank you for opening my thread.
Ok, here's the deal. Just harvest my first ever crop. I had 6 plants and I think I yeild pretty well considering my first cycle.
I expected to dry for a week then cure for another week.
Well, unfortuantely these buds have been drying for 2 weeks and are still moist
They have been in a 12x12 room this whole time. Today I was alarmed that the temp has been 50/60 degrees and humidity 70/80% !!!!!
So I IMMEDIATELY hooked up my electric heater (brand new, $60 from Costco) and am currently heating the room. BUT this is going to SHOOT my electric bill THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
There has HAVE to be a better and cheaper way to dry my buds.
Any thoughts would be great. Thank you in advance
Ok, here's the deal. Just harvest my first ever crop. I had 6 plants and I think I yeild pretty well considering my first cycle.
I expected to dry for a week then cure for another week.
Well, unfortuantely these buds have been drying for 2 weeks and are still moist
They have been in a 12x12 room this whole time. Today I was alarmed that the temp has been 50/60 degrees and humidity 70/80% !!!!!
So I IMMEDIATELY hooked up my electric heater (brand new, $60 from Costco) and am currently heating the room. BUT this is going to SHOOT my electric bill THROUGH THE ROOF!!!
There has HAVE to be a better and cheaper way to dry my buds.
Any thoughts would be great. Thank you in advance