my very first bud dry. A ? 4 the forum....

brett silva

Active Member
Thank you for opening my thread.

Ok, here's the deal. Just harvest my first ever crop. I had 6 plants and I think I yeild pretty well considering my first cycle.

I expected to dry for a week then cure for another week.

Well, unfortuantely these buds have been drying for 2 weeks and are still moist :(

They have been in a 12x12 room this whole time. Today I was alarmed that the temp has been 50/60 degrees and humidity 70/80% !!!!! :(

So I IMMEDIATELY hooked up my electric heater (brand new, $60 from Costco) and am currently heating the room. BUT this is going to SHOOT my electric bill THROUGH THE ROOF!!!

There has HAVE to be a better and cheaper way to dry my buds.

Any thoughts would be great. Thank you in advance


Active Member
Thank you for opening my thread.

Ok, here's the deal. Just harvest my first ever crop. I had 6 plants and I think I yeild pretty well considering my first cycle.

I expected to dry for a week then cure for another week.

Well, unfortuantely these buds have been drying for 2 weeks and are still moist :(

They have been in a 12x12 room this whole time. Today I was alarmed that the temp has been 50/60 degrees and humidity 70/80% !!!!! :(

So I IMMEDIATELY hooked up my electric heater (brand new, $60 from Costco) and am currently heating the room. BUT this is going to SHOOT my electric bill THROUGH THE ROOF!!!

There has HAVE to be a better and cheaper way to dry my buds.

Any thoughts would be great. Thank you in advance
Put them in a BROWN BAG, shut it but dont tighten it big time, in your bed room you have a closet i take it. put that bag in a dark spot in your closet, shake it every now in then to mix up buds.

I might be wrong and there might be better ways, but thats how i have done my out door plants 4 times never had any prob. just my way tho