My Very First Grow Ever and Stealthy as can be :)


Hello to all,
I have been lurking around for about a year and reading as much as possible. I finally decided to make my own grow box and jump in feet first.

The Box measures: 37" wide, 19"tall, and 18" deep.

I have 2 23W 6700k Cfl over head
I have 4 23W 5000k Cfl on the sides.

Soil is MG organic

In South Carolina the days are warm but the nights are starting to get chilly right now I have: 2 120mm case fans ( exhaust on top, intake at bottom)
Right now the fans run with the lights on but I have already ordered a Johnson Controls thermostat outlet with remote probe. I plan to set the unit to 78degrees and then it will activate if the temp goes over.

Next on my list and hopefully tomorrow :)
36" wide heat mat with remote probe and thermostat. I figure I can set it for a soil temp of 76 or so and this way my soil will always be at an acceptable level regardless of outside air temp.

The plants: Bagseed and approx 20 days old ( 5 days under the lights, 15 outside) Germinated in paper towel and planted when about 1/2" sprout.

No nutes and watered daily with distilled water.

To me they should be way bigger by now judging by everyone elses grows??
I am thinking that I need more light?? Say add 2 more 6700k above??

Helpful suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I am not looking to yield a bunch of stuff, just some nice, quality herbs.

Let me know your thoughts,



Active Member
looks like your using tinfoil....dont!!! u can go to walmart and get a space blanket for like 4$ and itll cover the entire box for u


Well-Known Member
If it makes u feel better I'm at 14 days only 2 sets of leaves but I am a lower wattage than u. Is your exhaust light proof? No ducting? Is smell ok where you're at


Ordered a mat, just need to find a good thermostat for it.
Gonna hit up wal-mart for a space blanket this weekend.

I topped at the 3rd node 2 days ago, any idea on what the new growth should look like??

ANy help is greatly appreciated,


Okay, replaced aluminum foil with Mylar. HUGE difference!!!!

I also purchased 2 of the pre-wired grow lights from Wal-Mart. They are 7700K and glow blue. Since installing them and the Mylar the babies are growing well. Will update with pics soon. I have started a lil LST and thinking they will be ready for the switch to 12-12 on Friday.

Climate control is awesome, Hold a steady 80 degrees all day long:)

Just ordered some AK 48 and Wonder woman feminized. God I hope the ones I have going turn out to be female, at least one!


Cool box man. Very stealthy. Am very interested in trying a cfl grow myself but an put off a bit about the smell. Can you feedback when they are in flower and let us know what the odor is like?


They are not in flower yet and they already smell. Luckily the box is out in the shed with my dogs kennel so it helps a lil. Wife can smell it when she goes out there. Long story short, if smell is an issue, don't do it:(


Its been a while since I took a pic for the forum. I took these tonight. Just switched to 12/12 yesterday. I think they are looking good??? How bout yall??

Giving them MG Bloom Booster and have been for the past 2 weeks ( weak Solution). Potted in MG potting soil.

Have heat pad under plants:)
Maintaining 83 degrees

One plant showing just a skunt of tip curl??



Wow, not much traffic in here.

I had to leave town for 3 days and had to leave the plants with no water. I went and bought 2 of those aqua globe things and guess what??? THEY WORK!! Came home and both plants are in great shape.

Been in flower for 9 days and nothing showing yet for certain. I suspect the plant in the frist pic is a male but there is so little sigh as of yet that it is just a hunch.

How long before they sex???


Cool, glad to get some feedback. I have been loving and singing to my babies and just hope that one will turn up female. If not:) Well I got a delivery of some feminzed seeds that are ready to go just in case. As a correction, I got 5 Swiss Cheese and 5 AK48 not Wonder Woman as I had previously stated.

PLants are doing fine, one definately seems strdier/not so tempermental. The short one needs a lot of water a lot more often than the tall one. Going to feed them shortly.



Well, Since I last posted. I am the proud daddy of two beautiful girls:)

Bad news is that I split one of the stems in half doing some LST as one of the main colas hits the lights and I can't move the lights any higher.
I put a zip tie around the stem where it split. In the pics it looked like I was going to lose half of the plant. 2 Nights later and both halves are doing fine. No pics of them though:(



Something is eating small holes in the leaves of the plant that split but not the super healthy one.

If I sprout some of the swiss cheese seeds and put them in the box with the plants, will the 12/12 mess them up?


Any input on putting seedlings in at 12/12 would be greatly appreciated.

Also saw some very very very small back bugs crawling around on the stem of the plant that split. Not sure what they are but there were about 10-15 of them, Any ideas??