Thanks a lot!! Will do.Looking great man keep it up
this is what I found....idk........somewhere. LOL
its fine.. its pretty simple.. you just get a 2 liter soda bottle or juice bottle.. (it doesnt have to be exactly 2 liters) and pour 1 cup of sugar in.. and 1 tablespoon of active dry yeast in as well. u can find the yeast at shaws or w.e... like 30 or 40 cents a pack.. madd cheap. lol. but yea so after u add that.. u just add warms water.. you wanna fill the bottle up about 3/4 of the way to the top. =) and shake it up a bit (with the cover on or with ur hand over the top.... lol. i now us stoners forget simple things like that). until all the sugar and yeast are mixed properly.. i eve like to add a little HOT water in the bottle 1st.. before i add the sugar and yeast..adn shake that up a bit at 1st. that seems to help. =).
and yeaa, so after u have it all mixed up.. find some tubing.. like the kind u find from a fish tank.. and get a knife.. or hammer and nail... and make a SMALL hole in the cap... **make it as small as u can at 1st.. and try to fit the tubing in.. and then slowly make it bigger as needed** cuz u want the tube to be as air tight as possible.... and thats all u need to do! =) then jsut place the bottle above ur plants.. since Co2 is heavier than air.. it will fall to the bottom.. soo its good to have it above your plants. it will not be active at first.. it takes a few hours for it to work.. and it will last about 2 weeks. and u wanna shake it up every few days.. cuz the stuff tends to settle to the bottom. and it actually workds really really well. adn its REALLy cheap!! u can find a big bag of sugar for like 99 cents at sum stores.. and i got 3 packs of yeast for $1. which is about maybe... 6 tablespoons?? and the water is free.. adn the tubing is free. =) the only thing that might cost a lil bit of money is the tubing... if u dont have any at ur house. but if worse comes to worse.. i think u can use a straw?
I havent tried this yet, but I'm sure gonna!
I am going to try and have a 5 gallon bucket with this scaled up to the right amounts and have 4 hoses come off and into my 4 plants. what u guys think? bigger container+ smaller hoses= more pressure which inturn equals a spray of CO2 rather than just an over flow out of the top. Pluss I can feed each individual plant with enough CO2.
Hey All,
Ok so this is my very first attempt at growingmy own. My babies are 3 weeks and one day old. I germinated the seeds on 4/26, planted them on 4/28 and had sprouts by 4/30. Using 4 cfls in a rubbermaid tote box that I covered in tin foil. I
A true poor mans grow. MG seedling soil, all purpose fert, and bloom fert. Keeping the lights on 24 hrs. This is just some bagseed I had for a while. The herb in the darker colored pot was some nice goods and I think the light tan pot is just some mids.
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As I said a true poor mans grow. Rubbermaid tote, tinfoil, 4 cfls, 4 clamp work lights, and of course...duct tape. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE comment. I'd like to know what everyone thinks. Oh and before you say it I can not afford $35 for fox farm ferts or any other than what I have. I'm doing what is called making due. I absolutely want your comments though so please leave some. Thanks for stopping by all.
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Hey Now: First off <good job in starting your project.>
One really inexpensive way to fertilize your plants is to make a tea out of Compost.
If you have a yard it is easy enough to make your own.(Compost)
Let me know if you need help in starting a pile. I can give you the ingredients that I use and I am able to complete a compost pile in under a month with my Method. The key is to jump start it with chicken manure and turn in constantly. Then once you have Humus you can make a tea that you water into your soil.
Also If you can get a hold of some clones your way better off. After a month of Vegging you should be able to clone your plant your self and increase your garden.
Best of luck.
Check out my garden I started with CFLs 42 & 23 watt & the Sun.
Sounds like a safari video lol
Looks nice!
do nothing and they will thrive!
put in big pots when u want REAL growth!