Looks okay to me. We're not shooting for perfection, we're shooting for some mary jane.

P.S. Flower any time you want, I'd support it.

Thanks brother I appreciate. I aslo got those pics of the internodes I told you I'd grab but I guess you were able to tell from the video. I'll post 'em anyway so I didn't waste my fingers energy to take the pic. lol

IMAG0341.jpg IMAG0340.jpg
Mk, you're going to pass my post count damn quickly, FORUM WHORE! I actually haven't racked up this many posts in months. Rep is trickling in again, its weird.
^^ hey brother he's right. If it wasn't for you my babies would probably be dead or stunted by now.

Gotta say the people I met on here are the best out of all of them. You guys rock. Always willing to lend a hand, have some good advice, and we just have fun together. Thanks to all my friends for the support through this grow. Now we just gotta keep our fingers crossed for some ladies!!
Mk, you're going to pass my post count damn quickly, FORUM WHORE! I actually haven't racked up this many posts in months. Rep is trickling in again, its weird.


They say marijuana isn't addictive. WEll they don't say shit about growing marijuana and let me tell you that is addictive. Dude I wanna be on here and learn about growing and talk about growing as much as I can. It's like I finally have something going on, as far as hobbies go,that I care about. I just can't get enough!!
Heh, the more traffic this thread gets, the more PM requests I get. My inbox was full for an afternoon and I got this guy posting on my profile asking for help. I've got 4 people I'm working with and another 5 with sporadic questions. If more people are thinking of asking, just wait a few months eh? Papa bear can't handle any more cubs, haha
Heh, the more traffic this thread gets, the more PM requests I get. My inbox was full for an afternoon and I got this guy posting on my profile asking for help. I've got 4 people I'm working with and another 5 with sporadic questions. If more people are thinking of asking, just wait a few months eh? Papa bear can't handle any more cubs, haha

And that's code for back the fuck up til i'm done flowering bitches!! lol ha ha ha

Thing is everyone knows you can't argue with results man.
hahaha, I have too many hobbies, rc cars, video games (xbox, ps3 and wii), softball, golf, desert racing, and a whole lot more... I can't afford those anymore after I got laid off so that's why I started to grow, not to make any money, but to save money :D

I wish I had found this forum months ago
Oh, and the pics of your nodes (that sounded weird). I think you'll be real happy man, its looking solid. Out of all the errors you could have made, the one you didn't make was not enough light or distance to bulbs. Its going to be a good 12th. Might want to chop lower branches, but we'll see once the budding starts. Its tough to chop out bud sites, but my first rodeo I wish I had listened to Phreakygoat yelling at me to prune it up. Bitch even reminded me during a monster plant grow, haha
Yeah man hear you. I was always trying to find something to do with myself, I got laid off too man, Trying to find ways to keep busy. Golf, hiking, video games whatever but ever since I started this grow and talking to you guys that was it, my time is now occupied and if im not busy then my mind is occuoied trying to learn more.
I love our new hobby, lol
Oh, and the pics of your nodes (that sounded weird). I think you'll be real happy man, its looking solid. Out of all the errors you could have made, the one you didn't make was not enough light or distance to bulbs. Its going to be a good 12th. Might want to chop lower branches, but we'll see once the budding starts. Its tough to chop out bud sites, but my first rodeo I wish I had listened to Phreakygoat yelling at me to prune it up. Bitch even reminded me during a monster plant grow, haha
ha ha ha well I'm gonna let 'em go for now. Hopefully when we start seeing those beautiful white hairs popping out everywhere we'll figure out if I need to trim or not.
So basically I'd do that to make sure the main bud sites get the right amount of light?
Your plant is only capable of moving so much energy around. If your lower branches are two times farther away from the light than the top branches, they're getting 11% of the energy the top is getting. To an extent your plant can transfer energy downward, but that consumes energy as well. Killing weaker branches near the bottom aids in making your upper branches fatter. I haven't ever ran a test on the subject, but the "grandmaster" who helped me out when I was learning did. He gained, I can't remember exact numbers, it was 5-25% more dry weight on plants with weaker branches chopped? I know it wasn't higher than 25%, but even 15% is a HUGE jump.

Edit* He ran two trials. Zero pruning vs what were talkin about, then partial. Outperformed each time, obviously the higher numbers were from a totally unpruned plant.
Your plant is only capable of moving so much energy around. If your lower branches are two times farther away from the light than the top branches, they're getting 11% of the energy the top is getting. To an extent your plant can transfer energy downward, but that consumes energy as well. Killing weaker branches near the bottom aids in making your upper branches fatter. I haven't ever ran a test on the subject, but the "grandmaster" who helped me out when I was learning did. He gained, I can't remember exact numbers, it was 5-25% more dry weight on plants with weaker branches chopped? I know it wasn't higher than 25%, but even 15% is a HUGE jump.

WOW hell yeah I'll ake a 15% increase in dry weight.
The way it's looking Daisy will probably definitely have to get some of her fat ass cut off, maybe Alexandra will be ok. As Bob Marley once said "Time Will Tell"
ha ha like I said man I love this shit. I love learning and sharing about growing as much as possible. I find it interesting and fun, plus it keeps me occupied, lol

And the clock on my laptop said exactly 4:20 when i posted that. I can't fix my time for some reason. First I had the DST off then on and it's still off by an hour.