
Well-Known Member
Jeeze you got it made! I wish my gf was a "care giver" on the east coast i call them "my guy" lol She's cool with the whole situation but isn't exactly into it and I see she's completely not interested when i discuss my grow with her. but that's why I have you guys!! lol

Isn't this site awesome. It's been the best resource for one the spot questions and meeting awesome people.
When I talk to my wife about something new I learned she pretends to be interested, I think she will be more into it when we have an actual setup and routine, then I can teach her what she needs to know. She did name the clone we have but until my setup is done, that clone will stay under cfl's vegging


Well-Known Member
When I talk to my wife about something new I learned she pretends to be interested, I think she will be more into it when we have an actual setup and routine, then I can teach her what she needs to know. She did name the clone we have but until my setup is done, that clone will stay under cfl's vegging
yeah man I hear you. When I'm showing my girl something she shakes her head and nods when she's supposed to but when I actually look at her I can tell she's not paying any attention, lol just fulfilling her duties.


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha no chems allowed!!! lol I did coke a couple times, felt great but all it made me do was want more coke so i was like ok done with this. Fuck it weed does all I need it to do for me.


Active Member
Jeeze you got it made! I wish my gf was a "care giver" on the east coast i call them "my guy" lol She's cool with the whole situation but isn't exactly into it and I see she's completely not interested when i discuss my grow with her. but that's why I have you guys!! lol

Isn't this site awesome. It's been the best resource for one the spot questions and meeting awesome people.
I feel your pain. LOL


Well-Known Member
ha ha mine too. Before here I just popped a seed in dirt, because of RIU I think it'll be a hobby that I continue for the rest of my life.


Active Member
just be a plant that I take care of that she named

hmmm.... that sounds familiar...
ha ha ha ha poor pippa has no real family. She's like a ward of the state. lol
haha. Pippas a dirty whore who deserves it!
This is true. God just wait til she's all grown up. She's probably gonna be a prostitute or a meth head at least.
fuck you guys!! I do what I can! :finger:
and don't talk about Pippa that way! She's fragile!


Well-Known Member
ha ha ha aww mommy of the meth baby getting all sensitive on us. lol Pippa's looking fine GB, not to worry!